Case OutcomeComplaint not upheld EIR 2: Complaint not upheld
Subject MatterOther
CourtInformation Commissioner (UK)
Record NumberIC-226303-M6B4
Date19 May 2023
Reference: IC-226303-M6B4
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)
Decision notice
Date: 19 May 2023
Public Authority: British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC)
Address: BBC Broadcasting House
Portland Place
Decision (including any steps ordered)
1. The complainant has requested information about the BBCs coverage
of the World Cup in Qatar. The BBC responded that the requested
information was covered by the derogation and hence excluded from
2. The Commissioners decision is that all of the information falls to be
dealt with under FOIA even though some is environmental. This is
because the BBC is not a public authority for the purposes of the
Environmental Information Regulations (the EIR).
3. Having considered the matter under FOIA, the Commissioner’s decision
is that the requested information would be held by the BBC for the
purposes of journalism, art or literature’ and would therefore be
outside the scope of FOIA. He therefore upholds the BBC’s position and
requires no remedial steps to be taken in this case.

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