Abegar indigenous conflict resolution system: a community‐based reconciliation

Published date11 October 2021
Date11 October 2021
Subject MatterHealth & social care,Criminology & forensic psychology,Aggression,conflict & peace,Sociology,Gender studies,Gender violence,Political sociology,policy & social change,Social conflicts,War/peace
AuthorBeneyam Lake
Abegar indigenous conict resolution
system: a community-based reconciliation
Beneyam Lake
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the Abegar indigenous conflict resolution system based on
communityreconciliation in Haberu Woreda, NorthWollo.
Design/methodology/approach This study has used a qualitative research design and descriptive
nature. The study collected primary data from different informants by using such qualitative data
collection techniquesas an interview, focus group discussions and observationto achieve the research
Findings Accordingly, the finding of the study revealed that Abegars indigenous conflict resolution
system aims at the restorationof order and harmony of the community. The types of conflictspresented
and resolved in the communityare inter-personal, homicide, inter-groupin nature, which stemmed from
the abductionof girls and women, violation of social values,theft, conflict over claims of a girl, competition
over ownership of land and drunkenness. The findings further show that family reconciliation, blood
reconciliation (dem maderk) and compensation performance are the major community reconciliation
procedures (methods)of conflict management used by the studied community dependingon the nature
and types of conflicts.
Originality/value This symbolic and practical significance to established trust between conflicting
partiesthat their relationship is restored.
Keywords Indigenous, Community, Conflict resolution, Reconciliation, Interpersonal conflict, Abegar
Paper type Research paper
Conflict is two or more parties enter into disputes by their goal or values when there are
interacting with each other (Fisher, 2000). Similarly, Woldemariam(1999) stated that conflict
is a practice of disagreement on public issues that affect the lives of groups, essentially
about means and ends regarding their mutual relationships, their diverse interests, their
different values, their institutions and organizations. Generally, based on the above
arguments conflict could be conceptualized as contradiction or disagreement between two
or more parties arising from misunderstandings, competition for resources, power and
Communities and individuals were passing through conflicts in different reasons in human
being’s life (Burtone, 1996).Currently, the main issue is not about the causes or happenings
of conflict, but how to prevent the conflict and resolve it (Bokari, 2013). Pankhurst and
Assefa (2008) noted that the importantfor societies are making a solution for the conflictsby
using different conflict resolutionmanagements.
Indigenous conflict resolution methods
Indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms are solving a conflict depending on society’s
norms, neighbor relationship or organizational practice (Mapara, 2009). Several conflict
Beneyam Lake is based at
the Department of
Psychology, College of
Education and Behavioral
Sciences, Bahir Dar
University, Bahir Dar,
Received 25 June 2021
Revised 6 August 2021
31 August 2021
Accepted 19 September 2021
The author would like to give my
gratitude to the participants who
tookpart in this study.Without
their genuine response, this
study might not be successful.
The author would also thank my
colleagues for supports and
encouragement that they had
done for me.
Funding: There are no funders to
reportfor this submission.
Declaration: The undersigned,
declare that this manuscript is
my original work and all
sources of material used for this
manuscript have been duly
Competing interest: The author
declare that there is no
DOI 10.1108/JACPR-06-2021-0610 VOL. 14 NO. 3 2022, pp. 173-184, ©Emerald Publishing Limited, ISSN 1759-6599 jJOURNAL OF AGGRESSION, CONFLICT AND PEACE RESEARCH jPAGE 173

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