Form A101A

Published date21 March 2018
Placing a Child with Consent

Agreement to the making of a
parental order in respect of my child

Section 54 or 54A of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008

Name of child………………..……….................……………......

Before signing this form you are advised to seek legal advice about agreeing to the making of a parental order and the effect on your parental rights. If you are making this agreement outside the United Kingdom you should seek legal advice about the law in the country concerned. Information about finding a family law solicitor is available on the Law Society website at Information about finding a family law barrister is available on the Bar Council website at

You can find out more about legal aid for family matters, including whether you may eligible for legal aid, on the Gov.UK site at: or you can telephone the Civil Legal Advice direct helpline on
0345 345 4345.

I agree to a parental order being made in respect of __________________________________ (my child), who is the child to whom the attached...

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