Amanuel v Alexandros Shipping Company (Alexandros P)
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Date | 1985 |
Year | 1985 |
Court | Queen's Bench Division |
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5 cases
Société Commerciale de Réassurance v Eras International Ltd (formerly Eras (U.K.))
...this is so I was reminded forcefully by Mr. Kealey by reference to Rosler v. Hilbery [1925] 1 Ch. 250; Amanuel v. Alexandros Shipping [1986] 1 Q.B. 464. That brings into play the discretion and the application of the principles enunciated by Lord Goff in the Spiliada case but, having said t......
Continental Finance Trading Company, S.A. v Geosurvey Holdings Ltd et Al; Geosurvey Holdings Ltd et Al v Continental Finance Trading Compnay S.A. et Al
...voluntarily submitted to the jurisdiction, I adopt the position taken by Webster, J. in Amanuel v. Alexandros Shipping Co. [1986] 1 All E.R. 278, after his difficulty in reconciling the decision of the House of Lords in Derby & Co. v. Larson with that of the Court of Appeal in “The Benarty”......
R v Ebanks, ex p Henderson
...Service. Cases cited: (1) Ahnee v. D.P.P., [1999] 2 A.C. 294; [1999] 2 W.L.R. 1305, applied. (2) Amanuel v. Alexandros Shipping Co., [1986] Q.B. 464; [1986] 2 W.L.R. 962; [1986] 1 All E.R. 278; [1985] 2 Lloyd”s Rep. 90, referred to. (3) Att.-Gen. (Jamaica) v. Williams, [1998] A.C. 351; [199......
Sphere Drake Ins. Plc and Others (Plaintiffs v Gunes Sigorta Anonim Sirketi (Defendants
...0.11 having been gone through. 6 Mr. Crane referred me to one case by way of example of this practice: Amanuel and Others v. Alexandros Shipping Co. and Another, the Alexandros P, reported in [1986] 1 All England Reports, 278, where Mr. Justice Webster in the Commercial Court, without in f......
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