An index-based ranking of conferences in a distinctive manner
Pages | 67-80 |
DOI | |
Date | 04 February 2019 |
Published date | 04 February 2019 |
Author | Muhammad Farooq,Hikmat Ullah Khan,Tassawar Iqbal,Saqib Iqbal |
An index-based ranking
of conferences in a
distinctive manner
Muhammad Farooq,Hikmat Ullah Khan and Tassawar Iqbal
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad,
Wah Campus, Wah Cantt, Punjab, Pakistan, and
Saqib Iqbal
Department of Software Engineering,
Al Ain University of Science and Technology, Al Ain, AD, UAE
Purpose –Bibliometrics is one of the research fields in libraryand information science that deals with the
analysis of academic entities.In this regard, to gauge the productivity and popularity of authors, publication
counts and citation counts are common bibliometric measures. Similarly, the significance of a journal is
measured using another bibliometricmeasure, impact factor. However, scarce attention has been paid to find
the impact and productivity of conferences usingthese bibliometric measures. Moreover, the application of
the existing techniques rarely finds the impact of conferences in a distinctive manner. The purpose of this
paper is to propose and comparethe DS-index with existing bibliometric indices, such as h-index,g-index and
R-index,to study and rank conferences distinctively basedon their significance.
Design/methodology/approach –The DS-index is applied to the self-developedlarge DBLP data set
having publicationdata over 50 years covering more than 10,000conferences.
Findings –The empirical results of the proposed index are comparedwith the existing indices using the
standard performanceevaluation measures. The results confirm thatthe DS-index performs better than other
indices in rankingthe conferences in a distinctive manner.
Originality/value –Scarce attention is paid to rank conferencesin distinctive manner using bibliometric
measures. In addition,exploiting the DS-index to assign unique ranks to the differentconferences makes this
researchwork novel.
Keywords Bibliometrics, Citation analysis, Academic networks, Conference ranking, DS-index
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
An author’s research is measured in terms of both quantity and quality. The publication
count shows the quantity of their research work, and the citationcount depicts its quality. In
this regard, there arevarious indices and methods proposed to measure the productivityand
impact of an academic entity. These indices are applied mostly to rank authors. The
problem of evaluating the activity of a conference is a difficult job in an academic
community. The research problem of the evaluation of research helps in decisions about
granting funds for projects and nominating for research awards. The relevant literature
presents a number of metrics as indicators for the assessment of worth of a conference.
Early approaches considerquantitative features, such as the number of publicationsand the
The authors are thankful to DBLP ( for sharing data for research purposes.
ranking of
Received28 March 2018
Revised23 September 2018
1November 2018
24December 2018
Accepted8 January 2019
TheElectronic Library
Vol.37 No. 1, 2019
pp. 67-80
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/EL-03-2018-0064
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