Annuity (Heirs of Sir Thomas Clarges) Act 1799

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1799 c. 84
Anno Regni GEORGII III. tricesimo nono. An Act to enable the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury to contract with the Most NobleCharles Duke of Richmond for the absolute Purchase of the Property of the said Duke, and all others interested, in a certain Duty of twelve Pence per Chaldron on Coals shipped in the River Tyne to be consumed in England , and to grant a Compensation for the same, by way of Annuity, payable out of the Consolidated Fund.

(39 Geo. 3) C A P. LXXXIV.

[12th July 1799]

'WHEREAS by Letters Patent under the Great Seat, bearing Date the eighteenth Day ofDecember , in the twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King Charles the Second, his said Majesty did give and grant unto Charles then Duke of Richmond , for every Chaldron of Sea Coals, Stone Coals, or Pit Coals, (except as therein is excepted,) of the Water Measure of Newcastle upon Tyne , as at any Time or Times thereafter should be sold, shipped, carried, or vended, by any Person or Persons whatever, forth or out of the Haven or River of Tyne , belonging to the aforesaid Town of Newcastle , to be spent as therein mentioned, and not transported beyond the Seas, the several Sums of twelve Pence, to be paid as therein mentioned; and to which several Sums or Duties his said Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, were entitled, in the Manner in the said Letters Patent recited, to hold and enjoy the said Duties or Sums of twelve Pence unto the said Charles then Duke of Richmond , and the Heirs of his Body, subject to the Payment of a yearly Sum of five hundred Pounds to Sir Thomas Clarges , his Heirs or Assigns, and paying therefor to his said late Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, the yearly Rent of one Poundsix Shillings and eight Pence: And whereas, by an Act of Parliament passed in the thirtieth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty KingGeorge the Second, and which was made and passed previous to and in Contemplation of the Marriage of the Most Noble Charles now Duke of Richmond , Grandson of the aforesaid Duke of Richmond , with Lady Mary Bruce , afterwards Duchess of Richmond , and since deceased, it was enacted, That from and thenceforth the said Charles now Duke of Richmond should hold and enjoy the said Duty of twelve Pence (but charged with the said Annuity of five hundred Pounds, and the said Rent of one Pound six Shillings and eight Pence, herein-before mentioned) to the Use of him and the Heirs Male of his Body; and in Default of Heirs Male of his Body, then to...

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