Application for injunction (General form)
Published date | 21 March 2018 |
Subject Matter | Adoption forms |
Name of court
Case no.
name or
serial no.
name and ref.
Fee charged/
Remission ID
Application for injunction
(General form)
By application in pending proceedings
Under Statutory provision
Does this application raise issues under the Human Rights Act 1998? Yes No
Enter the full
name of the
person making
the application
The applicant(1)
applies to the court for an injunction order in the following terms:
That the respondent(2)
be forbidden (whether by himself or by instructing or encouraging any other person(3))
Enter the full
name of the
person the
injunction is to
be directed to
Set out here the
proposed terms
of the injunction
And that the respondent(4)
And that(5)
The grounds of this application are set out in the written evidence of(6)
sworn (signed) on
Set out here
any proposed
orders requiring
acts to be done
Set out here
any further
terms asked
for including
provision for
Enter the
names of all
persons who
have sworn
or signed a
statement in
support of this
Tick whichever box
applies and specify
legislation where
FP3 - Application for injunction (General form) (11.14) ©Crown copyright 2014
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