Apply for 'bolt-on' payments and advocate's bundle payments
Published date | 21 March 2018 |
Family advocacy scheme
Advocates attendance form
Court type
High Circuit/District Lay Bench
Case type
DA Care PubOth PrCh AR
LAA Certicate number
/ / /
Hearing date
/ / / /
Attendance times (Interim hearing)
Start time or time court required
you to attend (if earlier):
Time hearing completed: :
Case no
Type of hearing
Int FDR Final IRH Finding of Fact
Case settled
at or before FDR IRH
Date hearing completed (if more than 1 day)
Number of days attended
No. days:
Length of lunch adjournment
Length in minutes
Judge’s or Magistrate’s Certication This certication must be complete d by the Judge, Magistrate or
Legal Advisor at the conclusion of the hearing. Autho risation of
forms after this time may be refused.
This form should only be used to certify or approve the
things on it.
(Please initial or seal all relevant b oxes)
PART A – Bolt-on payments
I conrm that the proceedings before the court involved:
Public Law Children (family proceedings under Parts
IV or V of the Children Act 1989, adoption proceedings
(including applications for a placement order))
Representation of a client who is facing allegations
that they have caused signicant harm to a child
which have been made or adopted by the Local
Authority and are a live issue in proceedings
Representation of a person who has diculty in
giving instructions or understanding advice
The evidence of an independent expert witness
being cross-examined and subs tantially
challenged by a party at the hearing
Private Law Children (family proceedings between
individuals concerning the welfare of children (other
than those for ancillary relief or Public law Children)
Representation of a client who is facing allegations
that they have caused signicant harm to a child
and these are a live issue in the proceedings
The evidence of an independent expert witness
being cross-examined and subs tantially
challenged by a party at the hearing
PART B – Advocates Bundle Payment
I conrm that the advocates bundle is:
S eal
Between 350 and 700 pages
(advocates bundle payment 1)
Over 700 pages
(advocates bundle payment 2)
Over 1,400 pages
(advocates bundle payment 3) (nal hearings only
or hearings paid as such)
I certify that the above times are correct and that the
bolt-ons are claimable in accordance with the Civil Legal
Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013 and section 7 of
the 2013 Standard Ci vil Contract.
Signature Dated
/ /
Name of Judge, Magistrate or Legal Adv iser
Judicial title
EX506 Family advocacy scheme Advoc ates attendance form (06.14) © Crown copyright 2014
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