Apply for urgent consideration in a judicial review

Published date21 March 2018
This form must be completed by the Applicant or the
Applicant’s advocate if exceptional urgency is being
claimed and the application needs to be determined
within a certain time scale.
The applicant, or the applicant’s solicitors must serve this
form on the respondent(s) and any interested parties with
the form T480 Judicial Review claim form.
To the Respondent(s) and Interested Party(ies)
Representations as to the urgency of the claim may be
made by respondents or interested parties to the
Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber by
fax to 0870 324 0185. For fax numbers of Welsh and
regional oces, see
Judicial Review
Application for urgent consideration
SECTION 1 Reasons for urgency
SECTION 2 Proposed timetable (tick the boxes and complete the following statements that apply)
T483 Judicial review Application for urgent consideration (11.13) © Crown copyright 2013
1 of 3
a) The application for interim relief should be considered within hours/days
b) The form T480 application for permission should be considered within hours/days
c) Abridgement of time is sought for the lodging of acknowledgments of service
d) If permission for judicial review is granted, a substantive hearing is sought by (date)
In the
Upper Tribunal
Immigration and Asylum Chamber
Claim No.
(including ref.)
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