Approval of SONI's Transmission Development Plan (NI)
Year | 2020 |
Published date | 09 June 2020 |
Energy Sector | Electricity Networks |
_____ ________________________________________________________________________
Northern Ir eland Authority for Utility Regu lation
Queens House, 14 Queen Street, BELFAST, BT1 6 ER
T: +44 ( 0) 28 9 031 15 75 F: +44 (0) 28 903 1 174 0 W: www.niaur .
Sarah Friedel
Group Regulation
SONI Limited
Castlereagh House
12 Manse Road
08 June 2020 Ref: NET/E/TH/216
Dear Sarah,
Re: Decision to approve SO NI’s Transmission Development Plan for
Northern Ireland 2019-28 (TDPNI 2019-28) pursuant to Condition 40 of
SONI’s TSO Licence
We have today published a Decision Paper
reflecting our decision to approve
SONI’s TDPNI 2019-28 in accordance with Condition 40 of SONI’s TSO licence.
The Decision Paper sets out the significant engagement that preceded our decision
and the reasons for that decision. We are grateful to SONI for all the work it has put
in in assisting us with our evaluation of the TDPNI 2019-28. We are grateful, too, to
all the other stakeholders and consultees who participated in the process.
At para 4.3 of the Decision Paper we set out some general expectations as to future
submissions seeking approval for a TDPNI. These are as follows:
1) Detail on renewable capacity, including projected connection dates per
2) Continued monitoring of delivery against planned projects, including
applicable reasoning for revised completion dates/costs
3) Monitoring of estimated versus actual spend on completed projects
4) Incorporation of Future Energy Scenarios work into the TDPNI on
completion of Tomorrow Energy Scenario work streams.
5) Detail on the economic costs and benefits of certain projects or information
on constraint problems which provide a context for action.
We would welcome your further engagement in due course as to these matters, with
the aim being to better facilitate consideration of the next TDPNI.
We trust that the approved TDPNI 2019-2028 shall now be published and circulated
in accordance with the provisions of Condition 40 (5) and Condition 40(6) of SONI’s
TSO licence.
http s:// /uregni/files/media-files/TDPNI%202019%20-
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