Arbitration (International Investment Disputes) Act 1966 (Version in vigour from 2010-04-12 to )
Currency | No known outstanding effects |
Coming into Force | 12 April 2010 |
(1) This section has effect as respects awards rendered pursuant to the Convention on the settlement of investment disputes between States and nationals of other States which was opened for signature in Washington on 18th March 1965.That Convention is in this Act called “the Convention”, and its text is set out in the Schedule to this Act.(2) A person seeking recognition or enforcement of such an award shall be entitled to have the award registered in the High Court subject to proof of the prescribed matters and to the other provisions of this Act.(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) In addition to the pecuniary obligations imposed by the award, the award shall be registered for the reasonable costs of and incidental to registration.(5) If at the date of the application for registration the pecuniary obligations imposed by the award have been partly satisfied, the award shall be registered only in respect of the balance, and accordingly if those obligations have then been wholly satisfied, the award shall not be prescribe the procedure for applying for registration under this section, and to require an applicant to give prior notice of his intention to other parties,to prescribe the matters to be proved on the application and the manner of proof, and in particular to require the applicant to furnish a copy of the award certified pursuant to the Convention,to provide for the service of notice of registration of the award by the applicant on other parties,“award” shall include any decision interpreting, revising or annulling an award, being a decision pursuant to the Convention, and any decision as to costs which under the Convention is to form part of the award,an award shall be deemed to have been rendered pursuant to the Convention on the date on which certified copies of the award were pursuant to the Convention dispatched to the parties.(8) This and the next following section shall bind the Crown (but not so as to make an award enforceable against the Crown in a manner in which a judgment would not be enforceable against the Crown) .proceedings may be taken on the award,the sum for which the award is registered shall carry interest,the High Court shall have the same control over the execution of the award,(2) Rules of court under section F499 of the Supreme Court of Judicature (Consolidation) Act 1925F484 of the F5Senior Courts Act 1981 may contain provisions requiring the court on proof of the prescribed matters to stay execution of any award registered under this Act so as to take account of cases where enforcement of the award has been stayed (whether provisionally or otherwise) pursuant to the Convention, and may provide for the provisional stay of execution of the award where an application is made pursuant to the Convention which, if granted, might result in a stay of enforcement of the award.(1) The Lord Chancellor may by order direct that any of the provisions contained in sections 36 and 38 to 44 of the Arbitration Act 1996 (provisions concerning the conduct of arbitral proceedings, &c.) shall apply to such proceedings pursuant to the Convention as are specified in the order with or without any modifications or exceptions specified in the order.(2) Subject to subsection (1) , the Arbitration Act 1996 shall not apply to proceedings pursuant to the Convention, but this subsection shall not be taken as affecting section 9 of that Act (stay of legal proceedings in respect of matter subject to arbitration) .may be varied or revoked by a subsequent order so made, andshall be contained in a statutory instrument.
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