Arnold v DPP
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Year | 1999 |
Date | 1999 |
Court | Divisional Court |
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2 cases
Mohindra v DPP and Browne v Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police
...1980 RTR 54, 61K. 27 The most recent authority on the evidence required to prove the lawfulness of a requirement under section 172 is Arnold v DPP (1999) RTR 99. In that case a copy of the Notice under section 172 was annexed to a statement with a certificate of posting, disclosing the send......
Appeals (first) John Scrymgeour-wedderburn Against Pf Kirkcaldy And (second) Pf Aberdeen Against Kevin Coulson
...172 requirement, and was, therefore, invalid. [18] Parties referred to the cases of Michie v Gilchrist 2000 SCCR 627, Arnold v DPP [1999] RTR 99, Pamplin v Gorman 1980 RTR 54 and Mohindra v DPP [2005] RTR 7. [19] In Michie, the accused was identified as having driven a car into collision wi......
3 books & journal articles
...WLR 1305 472Akhtar v Grout (1998) 162JP714105AlliedDomecqLeisureLtd vCooper(1999)163 JP I 287Andrews, In re [1999J 1 WLR1236556Arnold vDPP[1999] RTR 99 307B v DPP[1998] 4 All ER 265; [1999] 3WLR 11689,536BarringtonvColbertand others (1998) 162JP 642 98BriscoevShattock [1999] 1 WLR 432 303Cv......
...WLR 1305 472Akhtar v Grout (1998) 162JP714105AlliedDomecqLeisureLtd vCooper(1999)163 JP I 287Andrews, In re [1999J 1 WLR1236556Arnold vDPP[1999] RTR 99 307B v DPP[1998] 4 All ER 265; [1999] 3WLR 11689,536BarringtonvColbertand others (1998) 162JP 642 98BriscoevShattock [1999] 1 WLR 432 303Cv......
Recent Judicial Decisions
...authority which was in force at the timewas s. 257ofthe Road Traffic Act 1960.The Police Journal, Volume 75 (2002) 353 In Arnold vDPP [1999] RTR 99, it was said there is noparticular formofwords to be used when making the require-ment. It must be shown that the person making the requirement......