Audley's Case

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Judgment Date01 January 1792
Date01 January 1792
CourtCourt of the King's Bench

English Reports Citation: 80 E.R. 611


Audleys Case

michaelm. 9 jacobi regis. audleys case. By an inquisition taken 28 Junii, 41 Eliz. by a mandamus after the death of Thomas Audley, father of Ann Audley the ward, it was found, that long before the death of the said Thomas Audley, Thomas his father being seised in fee of the manner of G-osbicks, 1 Aprilis, 2 and 3 Phil, and Mary, did make a feoffment to the use of himself and Beatrice his wife, and of the heirs of their two bodies begotten, the remainder to the right heirs of Thomas Audley the grandfather: by vertue whereof, Thomas Audley the grandfather and Beatrice his wife were seised in tayl; and so seised the said Thomas Audley the grandfather of such estate dyed seised, having issue by the said Beatrice the said Thomas Audley the father, and that Beatrice did survive, and that Thomas his son did dye, and that Ann his daughter and heir was born after his death, and that the said mannor was holden in capite. The plaintiffs, Francis Audley, one of the sons of the said Thomas, and Richard Hasset, and Elizabeth his wife, one of the daughters of the said Thomas, being Thomas Audleys surviving children, do exhibit their bill, and thereby set forth, that Thomas Audley the grandfather and Beatrice his wife were seised in tayl, and 5 Eliz. suffered a recovery to the use of the said Thomas and Beatrice, arid the heirs of the said Thomas òfor ever: and that after the said Thomas made his will in writing, and thereby did demise the said mannor to Thomas the son, and his heirs for ever, upon condition that he should pay to all his brothers and sisters living 301. apiece, to be payd by 31. per...

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1 cases
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    • United Kingdom
    • High Court of Chancery
    • 1 January 1859
    ...which he devised his real estate in language and terms sufficient to include and pass such devisable interest, 4DEQ.SJ.89. GKESLEY V. MO ITS LEY 35 if any, as he then had iti the property conveyed as I have said. The devise was to trustees upon trusts in effect for his wife (who is still li......
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