Book Review: Other Areas: International Relations: Russia's Energy Policies: National, Interregional and Global Levels

Published date01 May 2013
AuthorFatemeh Shayan
Date01 May 2013
Subject MatterBook Review
Sovereign Justice: Global Justice in a World of Nations by Diogo P. Aurelio, Gabriele De Angelis and Regina Queiroz (eds). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. 250pp., 99.95, ISBN 978311024573 B O O K R E V I E W S
Wyatt’s work stumbles in a few places. Curiously, no
porating many NGOs at the forefront of ‘cosmopolitan
discussion of reform or revolution in reaching his post-
world governance’ (p. 155). From the ‘soft’ significance
capitalist future appears. No time is given to outlining
of NGOs to their global successes, the book continues
how his economic governing bodies would deal with
in chapter 6 with ‘The Caring Question’, focusing
non-economic political problems. All workers in the
significantly on feminist philosophy, ethics, citizenship
book seem to be industrial or craft, ignoring the vast
and power with respect to ‘a feminist political project
amount of modern non-productive labour and how it
of belonging’ (p. 199).
might be de-alienated.Wyatt’s focus on domestic prob-
In conclusion the author offers an outline of her
lems lends his society an autarkic character and ignores
the potential impact of international trade and foreign
acknowledgement that movements of belonging, inclu-
relations with potentially hostile capitalist powers. In all
sion and change take time. Furthermore, such progress
this is an important book for democratic and socialist
demands education to ensure that change is not merely
political thought, engaging with old topics in a fresh
the transfer of power from one group to another; she
offers the example of the 2010 Egyptian resistances
as a negative example. This reference also summarises
Peter Lavenia
and positions the book as a relevant, popular and prag-
(Clarkson University, New York)
matic reference, being one that most can relate to and
The Politics of Belonging: Intersectional Contes-
tations by Nira Yuval-Davis. London: Sage, 2011.
Gillian Hutchison Perry
252pp., £25.99, ISBN 978 1...

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