Book Reviews : Ideology and Crime

Published date01 September 1966
Date01 September 1966
Subject MatterArticles
oriented culture of their schools. As a
need for training whatever work they
result the present economic and social
may embark upon.
order is perpetuated to the advantage
This book could well be read by
of the effluent majority in the U.S.,
Church groups before asking the proba-
unlike in the U.S.S.R., where on the
tion officer to lead discussions with them.
basis of his inadequate da,ta M~r. Hicker-
son considers ,a much more satisfactory
state of affairs to exist.
This is
Ideology and Crime
a political tract, in which the
author’s imagination takes over where
Leon Radzinowicz
the facts leave off. However, we can all
Heinemann Educational Books 21s.
recognise the &dquo;Neivsom children&dquo; among
our own probationers, who are handi-
This brief but compaot study of the
capped by substantially the same situ-
development of ideas about .the treat-
ation though in a less extreme form,
ment of crime moves .from an examina-
and it is encouraging to come across
tion of the purely legal approach to the
an author who cares passionately about
modern realisati,on that there is
single cause of crime and therefore no
single all-purpose treatment. Law pre-
served the rights of the individual and
made clear in advance what could and
Christians and Social Work
could not be done; but it also justified
severe penalties and the use of capital
Kathleen Heasman
punishment because she law could not
S.C.M. Press 8s. 6d.
be wrong and protected anyone against
being wrongly convicted.
The Church is very concerned at the
Lombroso, with his theory of a crim-
moment to stir Christian people from
inal type, wrong as he was, nevertheless
the narrow conception of their own lives
centred attention on the fact that indi-
and awaken...

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