Boyce v Paddington Borough Council
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Judgment Date | 1903 |
Date | 1903 |
Year | 1903 |
Court | Chancery Division |
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104 cases
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- Karpal Singh; Tengku Jaffar bin Tengku Ahmad
- State Legislative Assembly of Sabah and Another; Tun Datuk Haji Mustapha bin Datuk Harun
- Haris Fatillah b Mohd Ibrahim v Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia
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1 firm's commentaries
An evaluation of the administrative law role of the Queensland Planning and Environment Court
...the person restricted by showing special damages according to the restrictions previously imposed by Boyce v Paddington Borough Council (1903) 1 Ch. 109 at 134. The section recognises the recent trend towards more frequently recognising plaintiffs or applicants having Locos Standi no matter......
16 books & journal articles
Misfeasance in public office: a very peculiar tort.
...Liability Act 2002 (WA) s 5Y. (197) Chancery Amendment Act 1858, 21 & 22 Vict, c 27, s 2. (198) Boyce v Paddington Borough Council [1903] 1 Ch 109, 114 (Buckley (199) Australian Conservation Foundation Inc v Commonwealth (1980) 146 CLR 493; Onus v Alcoa of Australia Ltd (1981) 149 CLR 2......
Of Kings and Officers — The Judicial Development of Public Law
...Conference (2002) 209 CLR 372. If a fiat is not granted it may be necessary to establish a 'special loss': see Boyce v Paddington BC [1903] 1 Ch 109; Wentworth v Woollahra Municipal Council (1982) 149 CLR 672, 680; Bateman's Bay Local Aboriginal Land Council v Aboriginal Community Benefit F......
Locus standi in commonwealth environmental law: caribbean perspectives
...of public right or 46 Australian Conservation Foundation Inc. v. Commonwealth of Australia (1980) 28 AX.R 257 at 269. Emphasis added. 47 [1903] 1 Ch. 109. 48 Ibid at 114. interest has been raised. It was applied in Gouriet v. Union of Post Office Workers 49 to deny a private citizen standin......
The Evolution and Reform of Standing in Australian Administrative Law
...Gummow J in Truth About Motorways Pty Ltd v Macquarie Infrastructure Investment Management Ltd (2000) 200 CLR 591, 626–8 [88]–[100]. 30 [1903] 1 Ch 109 (‘Boyce’). The criteria of Buckley LJ was endorsed by the House of Lords in London Passenger Transport Board v Moscrop [1942] AC 332, 342. ......
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