Calvinistic Methodist or Presbyterian Church of Wales Act 1933

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1933 c. xxxvii
[23 & 24
5.] Cahinistic Methodist [Oh. XXXVii.]
or Presbyterian Church of Wales Act, 1933.
CHAPTER xxxvii.
An Act to amend the constitution of the Calvimstic A.r>. 1933.
Methodist Church of Wales or Presbyterian
Church of Wales and to enlarge the powers of
the Church and the objects of the trusts upon
which property is held for the benefit of the
Church to constitute and incorporate a body
of trustees for the Church to vest in that body
as custodian trustee certain trust properties held
for the benefit of the Church and to authorise
the future grant or transfer of property to that
body as custodian trustee to provide for the
management and administration of the said
properties by managing trustees to regulate
the proceedings of the said body and the said
managing trustees and for other purposes.
[18th July 1933.]
HEREAS the Church or Religious Denomination
or Connexion which is now known as " the
Calvinistic Methodist Church of Wales" or " the
Presbyterian Church of Wales " (the one name being
as regular as the other) and was formerly known as
" the Welch Calvinistic Methodist Connexion" had its
origin in the establishment and growth from the year
1735 onwards of certain religious societies in North and
South Wales (and subsequently in England and else-
where) which from the beginning were considered as
[Price 4s. OU Net] A 1
XXXViiJ Calvinistic Methodist [23 & 24
or Presbyterian Church of Wales Act, 1933.
1933. forming one entire body or connexion believing the
same tenets or doctrines and governed by the same rules
and regulations :
And whereas in process of time the necessity arose
for the more minute definition of the rules of the said Con-
nexion on account of the enlargement of the Connexion
and in order to preserve its union in consequence of
which it was settled that a meeting called " the associa-
tion " composed of ministers and preachers and leaders
or elders of the several societies of and belonging to the
Connexion should be held four times in every year and
also that the ministers preachers and elders of each
county in North and South Wales belonging to the
Connexion should meet once a month in county monthly
meetings (or presbyteries) at such place in the county
as they should fix upon where all matters relating to the
societies or churches in such county should be determined
and that whatever matter could not be there decided
upon should be reserved for the association :
And whereas the Connexion adopted in 1801 rules
relating to discipline and in 1813 rules relating to the
method of ordination :
And whereas in the year 1823 after finding the need
for a statement of doctrine in lieu of the expression of
doctrine previously used and after minute consideration
by the Connexion throughout North Wales and South
Wales and after discussion at the quarterly meetings
of the association in North Wales and South Wales the
Connexion through the association unanimously agreed
to adopt and publish a confession of faith accompanied
by documents entitled respectively "The method of
ordination" "Rules of discipline " and " Constitution and
Church government " :
And whereas by the constitution and Church
government so adopted in 1823 it was provided (inter
aha) that any rule adopted by the Connexion might
be altered or rescinded after discussion in at least two
quarterly associations if the Connexion unanimously or
a great majority thereof should be in favour of the
alteration or rescission and it was further provided that
every question discussed at a quarterly association might
be decided by a majority of those present at the time
but that it would be right that important questions of
[23 & 24
5.] Calvinistic Methodist [Oh. XXXVliJ
or Presbyterian Church of Wales Act, 1933.
doctrine or discipline if there should be a great diversity A.D. 1933.
of opinion concerning them should be discussed deliber-
ately in several quarterly associations until by far the
greater part of the Connexion should agree and otherwise
the matter should be in part or altogether dropped :
And whereas a deed poll (hereinafter referred to as
"the constitutional deed") which was dated the tenth
day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty-
six and enrolled in the High Court of Chancery on the
eighth day of December one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-six was made and published under the hands
and seals of one hundred and fifty persons therein
described as being ministers preachers elders or trustees
nominated and appointed to execute the same at certain
quarterly meetings or associations of the Connexion in
August and September 1826 at which the same was
previously read and approved and it was recited in the
said constitutional deed (inter alia) that divers chapels
with or without dwelling-houses situate in various parts
of South and North Wales and certain parts of England
and divers lands purchased or taken on lease and divers
chapels meeting-houses schools and houses erected and
built by and with the produce of subscriptions collections
and donations (all which properties were enumerated and
set forth or intended so to be in the second schedule to the
constitutional deed) had been conveyed to trustees upon
a variety of trusts but all intended to secure the said
property for the use of the Welch Calvinistic Methodist
Connexion and that further moneys and property might
thereafter be given bequeathed conveyed and assured
to and for the purposes of the said Connexion :
And whereas it was further recited in the constitu-
tional deed that it had been determined that for (amongst
other objects) rendering more effectual the said several
deeds or conveyances leases and agreements for assisting
in the exposition of the trusts thereof for guiding and
explaining the objects of future donations bequests
conveyances and leases for the prevention of doubt or
litigation and for the better and permanent exposition
and record of the objects, of the said Connexion and of
their confession of faith and of their rules regulations and
discipline and of the qualifications and duties of all
the different members elders preachers ministers and
other officers therein the constitutional deed should be
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