Change your child’s name by deed poll

Published date21 March 2018
Subject MatterDeed Poll forms
Deed poll LOC023
02.1 2
I make Oath and say as follows:
I am the Mother Father
and legal guardian of (MINOR’S NEW NAME)
who is now or lately called (MINOR’S OLD NAME)
The minor is single and aged
On D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
I was married to I formed a Civil Partnership with
and the minor’s is my our child.
State the reason for
minor’s name being
There must be exhibits relating to the application to change the minor’s name:
1) If either parent is widowed – attach death certif‌icate
2) If parents are divorced – attach a f‌inal order of divorce/f‌inal order of dissolution and/or consent
of ex-partner
3) If a parent wishes to marry another partner – consent of new partner and consent of ex-partner
If the ex-partners consent cannot be provided you must give a reason why, which must be
stated on this aff‌idavit.
In this circumstance I submit that the Deed Poll of the minor is in their benef‌it and accordingly I
ask that the application to enrol the said Deed Poll be granted.
Sworn at The parent or parents must sign here
Solicitor’s details
Solicitor Commissioner for Oaths Off‌icer of the Senior Court

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