Chapter CFSP15550

Published date26 April 2016
Record NumberCFSP15550
CourtHM Revenue & Customs

The authorising officer must enter the full name, address, contact details, CFSP EPU number (where the SDs are to go - eg CITEX trader = 731, Large Business trader = 760, Isle of Man trader = 740), EORI number and deferment account number of the CFSP trader.

The authorising officer must also sign the PA1 before sending it to the CFSP UoE via email.

{#}Section 1. CFSP procedure types

Tick the required procedure. This information is for CHIEF Operations so they can set up the trader’s EORI details against the relevant procedure authorisation codes. These are:

F = Simplified Declaration Procedure

L = Release of goods at frontier to EIDR

W = Simplified Declaration for entry into Customs Warehousing

W = EIDR removals from Customs Warehousing

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{#}Section 2. DTI route for SDI/SDW

Box 1 Trader using existing badge

If this option is ticked the CFSP authorised trader will use an existing frontier badge, it could belong to them or even to another authorised trader but more likely it will be a badge belonging to a frontier agent.

Box 2 Trader using new badge

If this option is ticked the CFSP trader or their DR either does NOT have a frontier DTI badge or they have decided to obtain another DTI badge just for making CFSP entries. One of the CSP’s will supply this.

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{#}Section 3. Email route for SDI/SDW

Box 1 Trader using own badge

When this option is ticked the authorised trader wants their own email role on which their declarations can be sent eg (EDCAAA).

Box 2 Trader using existing third party badge

If this option is ticked the authorised trader wants to use someone else’s (eg an agent/warehouse-keeper acting as a DR)...

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