Claim form (CPR Part 8)
Published date | 21 March 2018 |
Subject Matter | Administrative Court forms |
You must ll in the heading of the form to indicate
whether you want the claim to be issued in a county
court or in the High Court (The High Court means either a
District Registry (attached to a county court) or the Royal
Courts of Justice in London).
Use whichever of the following is appropriate:
‘In the County Court at ..........................................................’
(inserting the name of the court)
‘In the High Court of Justice................................Division’
(inserting eg. ‘Queen’s Bench’ or ‘Chancery’ as appropriate)
.............................District Registry’
(inserting the name of the District Registry)
‘In the High Court of Justice...................................Division,
(inserting eg. ‘Queen’s Bench’ or ‘Chancery’ as appropriate)
Royal Courts of Justice’
Claimant and defendant details
As the person issuing the claim, you are called the
‘claimant’; the person you are suing is called the
‘defendant’. Claimants who are under 18 years old (unless
otherwise permitted by the court) and patients within
the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1983 must have a
litigation friend to issue and conduct court proceedings
on their behalf. Court sta will tell you more about what
you need to do if this applies to you.
You must provide the following information about
yourself and the defendant according to the capacity in
which you are suing and in which the defendant is being
sued. When suing or being sued as:-
an individual:
All known forenames and surname, whether Mr, Mrs,
Miss, Ms or Other (e.g. Dr) and residential address
(including postcode and telephone and any fax or
e-mail number) within the United Kingdom or in any
other European Economic Area (EEA) state. Where the
defendant is a proprietor of a business, a partner in a
rm or an individual sued in the name of a club or other
unincorporated association, the address for service
should be the usual or last known place of residence or
principal place of business of the company, rm or club or
other unincorporated association.
Notes for claimant on completing a Part 8 claim form
• Please read all of these guidance notes before you begin completing the claim form. The notes follow the order in
which information is required on the form.
• Court sta can help you ll in the claim form and give information about procedure once it has been issued. But they
cannot give legal advice. If you need legal advice, for example, about the likely success of your claim or the evidence
you need to prove it, you should contact a legal representative or a Citizens Advice Bureau.
• If you are lling in the claim form by hand, please use black ink and write in block capitals.
• You must le any written evidence to support your claim either in or with the claim form. Your written evidence must
be veried by a statement of truth.
• Copy the completed claim form, the defendant’s notes for guidance and your written evidence so that you have one
copy for yourself, one copy for the court and one copy for each defendant. Send or take the forms and evidence to
the court oce with the appropriate fee. The court will tell you how much this is.
Where the individual is:
under 18 write ‘(a child by Mr Joe Bloggs his litigation
friend)’ after the child’s name.
a patient within the meaning of the Mental Health Act
1983 write ‘(by Mr Joe Bloggs his litigation friend)’ after
the patient’s name.
trading under another name
you must add the words ‘trading as’ and the trading name
e.g. ‘Mr John Smith trading as Smith’s Groceries’.
suing or being sued in a representative capacity
you must say what that capacity is e.g. ‘Mr Joe Bloggs as
the representative of Mrs Sharon Bloggs (deceased)’.
suing or being sued in the name of a club or other
unincorporated association
add the words ‘suing/sued on behalf of’ followed by the
name of the club or other unincorporated association.
a rm
enter the name of the rm followed by the words ‘a rm’
e.g. ‘Bandbox - a rm’ and an address for service which is
either a partner’s residential address or the principal or
last known place of business.
a corporation (other than a company)
enter the full name of the corporation and the address
which is either its principal oce or any other place
where the corporation carries on activities and which has
a real connection with the claim.
a company registered in England and Wales
enter the name of the company and an address which
is either the company’s registered oce or any place of
business that has a real, or the most, connection with the
claim e.g. the shop where the goods were bought.
an overseas company (dened by s744 of the Companies
Act 1985)
enter the name of the company and either the address
registered under s691 of the Act or the address of the
place of business having a real, or the most, connection
with the claim.
Notes on completing the claim form
N208A Notes for claimant (CPR Part 8) (06.14) © Crown copyright 2014
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