Criminal Law Legislation Update

AuthorLaura McGowan
Published date01 April 2010
Date01 April 2010
Subject MatterArticle
Criminal Law
Legislation Update*
Laura McGowan
Statutory instruments
The Coroners and Justice Act 2009 (Commencement No. 3 and
Transitional Provision) Order 2010 (SI 2010 No. 145) brings into
force on 1 February 2010 the following provisions of the Coroners and
Justice Act 2009: s. 35, Chief Coroner and Deputy Chief Coroners; s. 59,
encouraging or assisting suicide (England and Wales); s. 60, encouraging
or assisting suicide (Northern Ireland); s. 61, encouraging or assisting
suicide: information society services; s. 72, conspiracy; s. 112, admissi-
bility of evidence of previous complaints; s. 114, bail: risk of committing
an offence causing injury; s. 115, bail decisions in murder cases to be
made by Crown Court judge; s. 118(2), provision about the Sentencing
Council for England and Wales, so far as it relates to the provisions
specified in the Schedule to the Order (para. 23); s. 140, appeals against
certain confiscation orders (England and Wales); s. 141, appeals against
certain confiscation orders (Northern Ireland); s. 149, Community Legal
Service: pilot schemes; s. 150, excluded services: help in connection
with business matters; s. 153, statutory instruments relating to the Legal
Services Commission; s. 173, assessment notices, so far as it inserts
s. 41C into the Data Protection Act 1998 (code of practice about assess-
ment notices); s. 174, data-sharing code of practice; s. 175, further
amendments of the Data Protection Act 1998, so far as it relates to the
provisions specified in para. 24 of the Schedule to the Order; s. 177,
consequential amendments and transitional provisions; s. 178, repeals,
so far as it relates to the provisions specified in para. 27 of the Schedule
to the Order; s. 180, effect of amendments to provisions applied for
purposes of service law; Sched. 8, Chief Coroner and Deputy Chief
Coroners; Sched. 12, encouraging or assisting suicide: providers of in-
formation society services; Sched. 15, the Sentencing Council for Eng-
land and Wales paras 1–4, 6 and 9; and paras 5, 7 and 10, for the
purposes of making appointments.
Further provisions of the 2009 Act which are brought into force are:
Sched. 20, amendments to the Data Protection Act 1998, paras 1–3
relating to data controllers’ registration.
Schedules 21, 22, and 23 of the 2009 Act are also brought into force,
which provide for minor and consequential amendments, transitory and
saving provisions, and repeals.
* As at 1 February 2010.
Barrister, Carmelite Chambers; e-mail:
94 The Journal of Criminal Law (2010) 74 JCL 94–99

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