Denis J Garrity and Lorna Richardson, Dilapidations and Service Charge

Published date01 September 2020
Date01 September 2020

It is sometimes said that when it comes to commercial leases, rent is just the tip of the iceberg, and that there is significant financial exposure for the tenant in the form of repairs, dilapidations and service charge. Denis Garrity and Lorna Richardson have produced a highly useful, concise, and readable textbook on dilapidations and service charge. It is written in plain English, is well set out, and has a most helpful index, and deals thoroughly with the subject matter. It is a textbook which has been much needed for too long. The book gives a very helpful and comprehensive overview of the commercial property market and the common law, or set of default rules that apply in the absence of specific provision within the lease document itself.

The subject of fixtures and fittings, which has been a mystery to many practitioners and students, is treated in depth, and the authors have provided much needed insight into what is and is not a fixture or fitting, and who is responsible for these. There is also detailed text on the...

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