Dispute settlement and jurisdictional issues for law enforcement and judicial cooperation in criminal matters under the EU–UK trade and cooperation agreement1

AuthorAlbert Janet
Date01 June 2021
Published date01 June 2021
Subject MatterAnalysis/Opinion
New Journal of European Criminal Law
2021, Vol. 12(2) 290297
© The Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/2032284421996022
Dispute settlement and
jurisdictional issues for law
enforcement and judicial
cooperation in criminal
matters under the EUUK
trade and cooperation
Albert Janet
erès, Paris
The rules on dispute settlement of Part 3 of the Trade and cooperation Agreement provide for
a consultation procedure between the Parties, to be held either within the framework of the
Specialized Committee on Law Enforcement and Judicial Cooperation or within the framework of
the Partnership Council. A decision by either of these bodies is considered a mutually agree d
solution. The Parties may also reach a solution without involving these bodies. If no mutually agreed
solution is reached, the complaining Party may suspend the Titles to which the breach pertains, and
the respondent Party may suspend all of the remaining Titles. The Specialized Comm ittee on Law
Enforcement and Judicial Cooperation decides what measures are needed to ensure that any
cooperation affected by the suspension of the Titles is concluded in an appropriate manner. The
suspended Titles can be reinstated by the Parties if the breach no longer exists.
settlement, trade and cooperation, criminal matters, law enforcement, judicial, cooperation
Corresponding author:
Albert Janet, H´
erès, 24 rue de Penthièvre, Paris 75008, France
1. Trade and Cooperation Agreement betweenthe European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one
part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part, [2020] OJ L 444/14, available
at <https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L.2020.444.01.0014.01.ENG> accessed 23 January
2021 (TCA). All provisions cited in this piece without further reference belong to the TCA.

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