Docks and Harbours (Valuation) Order 1970


1970 No. 503


The Docks and Harbours (Valuation) Order 1970

26thFebruary 1970

4thMarch 1970

24thMarch 1970

The Minister of Housing and Local Government, after consultation with the associations of local authorities and of persons carrying on undertakings appearing to him to be concerned and the local authorities and persons carrying on undertakings with whom consultation appeared to him to be desirable, in exercise of his powers under section 35 of the General Rate Act 1967(a) and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following order:—

1. This order may be cited as the Docks and Harbours (Valuation) Order 1970 and shall come into operation on the day following the day on which it has been approved by a resolution of each House of Parliament.

2. This order shall apply, in respect of the rate periods beginning on 1st April 1970 and subsequent rate periods, to any hereditament which—

(a) comprises (wholly or partly) a dock or harbour undertaking at which a jetty provided for the accommodation of iron ore carriers of 100,000 tons deadweight fully laden is capable of being used for the discharge of such carriers not later than 30th September 1970; and

(b) is occupied by the persons carrying on...

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