Does e-government control corruption? Evidence from South Asian countries

Published date20 May 2021
Date20 May 2021
AuthorMuhammad Ali,Syed Ali Raza,Chin Hong Puah,Tazeen Arsalan
Does e-government control
corruption? Evidence from
South Asian countries
Muhammad Ali
Department of Accounting and Finance, Institute of Business Management,
Karachi, Pakistan
Syed Ali Raza
Department of Management Sciences, Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan
Chin Hong Puah
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,
Kota Samarahan, Malaysia, and
Tazeen Arsalan
Department of Accounting and Finance, Institute of Business Management,
Karachi, Pakistan
Purpose This study aims to examine the relationship between e-government andcorruption in selected
South Asian countries(Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka).
Design/methodology/approach The sample datawere gathered from reliable secondary sources over
a sample period of 20032018. Additionally, this study incorporated other potential determinants or
corruption,such as government effectiveness, press freedom,education and economy. To assess sample data,
this studyused panel data econometric procedures.
Findings Results indicated that e-government had a positive and signif‌icant impact on corruption.
Similarly, government effectiveness and education had a positive and signif‌icant inf‌luence on corruption.
However, press freedom and the economy showed a negative and insignif‌icant impact on corruption. This
study furtherfound the robustness of the results through sensitivity analysis.Overall, it was concluded that e-
governmentplays a signif‌icant role to reduce corruption.
Originality/value The governments should implement the e-governance system and provide a
transparentand accountable environment to eliminate corruption.
Keywords Asian countries, Corruption, Accountability, e-government, Panel data
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Corruption reduction and itsmeasurement have been a great interest among the researchers
in social science (Basyal et al.,2018;Park and Kim, 2019). According to the World Bank
(2017), corruption is a misuse of power (either public or private) to gain personal interest.
Klitgaard (1988) explained corruption as a function of monopoly, accountability and
discretion. The federal agencies and government off‌icials are primarily associated with
corruption, while corruption also prevails in the private sector (Tanzi, 1998). Corruption is
a common problem in the world and considered the root cause of major social issues
Journalof Financial Crime
Vol.29 No. 1, 2022
pp. 258-271
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/JFC-01-2021-0003
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:

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