Donovan v Fricker

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Judgment Date31 July 1821
Date31 July 1821
CourtHigh Court of Chancery

English Reports Citation: 37 E.R. 813



JACOB, 166. DONOVAN V. FKICJKEI! 813 donovan t. fricker. Rolls. July 30, 31, 1821. A purchase being set aside for fraud, and the purchaser decreed to pay an occupation rent, receiving back his purchase-money with interest, there being a considerable excess of the rent above the interest, annual rests directed to be made in the accounts, until the excess of the rent should liquidate the principal. This was a bill by the assignees of PL Kennett under the insolvent act, against Daniel, Duff his assignee under a previous commission of bankrupt, and against (t. Fricker and J. Henderson, to set aside, an agreement for a lease, and an assignment from Duff to the latter. It appeared that Kennett was possessed of two leasehold houses, one in Bond Street, and the other in Albermarle Street; the former was demised by him to the defendants, Fricker and Henderson. After his bankruptcy, his assignee Duff, in June 1804, agreed to demise the other house to them for twenty-one years ; he afterwards in April L809, sold and assigned to them the bankrupt's interest in both houses. The bill cbarged inadequacy of consideration, and other circumstances affecting these transactions with fraud. The defendant Duff did riot appear. By the decree pronounced at the Rolls on the 19th of December 1814, it was declared that the agreement for a lease, and the assignment ought to be set aside ; the Master was directed to set an occupation rent upon the house in Albermarle Street, from, the commencement of the term to the time of making his report, with which [166] the defendants Fricker and Henderson were to be charged, and also with the rent due for the house in Bond Street...

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4 cases
  • Cutler and Others v Southern and Others
    • United Kingdom
    • Court of the King's Bench
    • 1 January 1845
    ...but it is only form, and therefore good if the plaintiff pleads over, or demurs generally. Cro. Eliz. 916, Bniban v. Bacon. Cro. Jac. 165, Alinyton v. Yearker. Ibid. 363, Codner v. Dolby. Ibid. 634, Horseman v. Obbins. 2 Eep. 1 b. 4 a. Manser's case. Sty. 16, Wroath v. Elseye. 3 Mod. 252, M......
  • John Scholefield v Joshua Ingham, Isaac Hemsworth, Isaac Whitaker, and David Linley
    • United Kingdom
    • High Court of Chancery
    • 22 November 1838
    ...after satisfaction of interest, to liquidation of capital, and make yearly rests (Jl^ebber v. Hunt, 1 Maddack, 13; Donovan v. Flicker, Jacob, 165, 168); yet that, to the best of his recollection, it was by no means of course in a decree for an account against a mortgagee in possession to in......
  • Kater v Roget
    • United Kingdom
    • Exchequer
    • 15 January 1840 were vested in trustees upon trust for Mr. and Mrs. Kater for life, with remainder to their children (a) See Hill v. Kinoan, Jac. 165, Bierdermann v. Set/mow, 1 Beav. 594 : Lowry v Fulton, 9 Sim. 114. 902 kater v. roget 4Y&C.EX.19 as they or the survivor should appoint, and in d......
  • Neesom v Clarkson
    • United Kingdom
    • High Court of Chancery
    • 18 January 1845 the motion of the Plaintiff, upon the question of annual rests. In support of the application for annual rests Donovan v. Flicker (Jac. 165) was cited. Jan. 18, 1845. the vice-chancellor [Sir James Wigram] said that if the account was to be taken against the Defendants as mortgagees in [......
1 books & journal articles
  • Preliminary Sections
    • Nigeria
    • DSC Publications Online Nigerian Supreme Court Cases. 1964 Preliminary Sections
    • 11 November 2022
    ...A.C. 378, 400 173 Dobson v. Jones (1844) (5 Man.& Gr.112), 134 E.R. 502. 46 Dockings v. Lord Penryn (1878) 4 A.C. 51. 53 Donovan v. Fricker 37 E R 813 62 Dykes & Ors. v. Thompson (1909) W N 104 256 Edo and Osakabov. Commissioner of Police (1962) 1 All N.L.R. 92. 83 Edu v. C.O.P., 14 W.A.C.A......

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