Drug Use and Child Protection

Published date01 June 2000
Date01 June 2000
Subject MatterArticles
of developing inter-professional policy and
Singleton, N.
et al (1999) Substance
practice in this area.
Misuse Among Prisoners in England and
There was no support amongst
Wales. Office for National Statistics.
interviewees for automatically placing
London: Home Office.
children of drug users on child protection
Chance to Break the Cycle: Women
registers, and no evidence that such a
and the Drug Treatment and Testing
policy could be justified.
, 1999,
Howard League Briefing
Parents were less critical of
Paper. Available from the Howard
professional intervention than had been
League, 1 Ardleigh Road, London
expected. They valued professional
N1 4HS, £5.
consistency, honest communication,
knowledgeable non-judgemental workers
and supportive help.
Drug Use and Child
The lack of resources such as
adequate day care/nursery provision,
housing and other practical support for
drug-using parents was apparent from
This exploratory study compares and
many interviewees’ comments.
contrasts attitudes and practices amongst
some of the main agencies involved with
report concludes that future studies
are essential into this still
parents and their children. It is
relatively under-
on 50 in-depth interviews with
subject. These should
social workers, drug dependency unit
incorporate a wider range of professionals,
workers (mainly community psychiatric
including police and probation officers,
nurses), health visitors and drug-using
voluntary drug counsellors and general
parents subject to case conference
proceedings in the Merseyside area.
Drug Use, Parenting and Child
One of the main findings was of a wide
Protection: Towards an Effective...

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