Equality and Human Rights Commission

Case OutcomeComplaint not upheld
Subject MatterOther
CourtInformation Commissioner (UK)
Record NumberIC-102731-Z2L5
Date13 December 2021
RespondentEquality and Human Rights Commission
Reference: IC-102731-Z2L5
Decision notice
Date: 13 December 2021
Public Authority: Equality and Human Rights Commission
Address: Arndale House
The Arndale Centre
M4 3AQ
Decision (including any steps ordered)
1. The complainant has requested from the Equality and Human Rights
Commission (EHRC) the nature of complaints that were sampled in a
report, Investigation into antisemitism in the Labour Party
that was
published in October 2020. The EHRC refused to provide this
information, citing section 44 prohibitions on disclosure, later it also
cited section 31 law enforcement.
2. The Commissioner’s decision is that the EHRC has correctly cited section
44(1)(a) of the FOIA.
3. The EHRC is not required to take any further steps.
Investigation into antisemitism in the Labour Party (equali tyhumanrights.com)

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