Equality and Human Rights Commission

Case OutcomeComplaint not upheld FOI 44: Complaint not upheld
Subject MatterOther
CourtInformation Commissioner (UK)
Record NumberIC-113849-Z7S6
Date13 July 2022
RespondentEquality and Human Rights Commission
Reference: IC-113849-Z7S6
Decision notice
Date: 13 July 2022
Public Authority: Equality and Human Rights Commission
Address: Arndale House
The Arndale Centre
M4 3AQ
Decision (including any steps ordered)
1. The complainant has requested information in relation to the Equality
and Human Rights Commissions (EHRC) report into allegation of
antisemitism in the Labour Party. The EHRC stated some information
was not held and withheld the remaining information under section 44of
the FOIA.
2. The Commissioner’s decision is that the EHRC was correct in stating the
information at parts 1 and 2 of the request was not held and it has
complied with its obligations under section 1 of the FOIA. For parts 3, 4,
5, 7 and 8 the Commissioner upholds the application of section 44 of the
FOIA and finds that this provides the EHRC with a basis for withholding
the requested information.
Request and response
3. On 7 April 2021 the EHRC received a request from the complainant for
information in the following terms:
"Questions on the EHRC 'Investigation into antisemitism in the Labour
Party. The first set of queries concerns the case of Ken Livingstone and
relate to the two interviews, in April 2016, in which he defended Naz
Shah against the charge that two of her social media posts were anti-
Semitic (Report:: 105) With respect to these interviews the Report
(106) refers to a letter from the Jewish Labour Movement (of 15th
February 2017). The Report (106, my emphasis) states that the letter

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