Exchanging Information on Road Traffic Offences: A Measure of Police Cooperation or Transport Policy? Case Note on C-43/12 Commission v Parliament and Council

Date01 March 2016
Published date01 March 2016
AuthorNiovi Vavoula
Subject MatterCase Notes
New Journal of Eu ropean Crimina l Law, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2016 113
Case note on C-43/12 Commission v
Parliament and Council
N V*
e present case note examines the judgment of the CJEU concerning the legal ba sis of
an EU i nstru ment es tabli shing an inform ation e xchang e syste m for roa d-tra c o ences
(C-43/12 Commission v Parliament and Council).  e case arose from the
interinstitutional battle between the Commission on the one hand and the Parliament
and Council on the other, whereby the former conside red that such a scheme forms part
of the EU transport policy, while the latter opined that it con stitutes a standard police
cooperation measure. In this context, this case note maps the historical background
behind the case from the release of proposal for a directive by the Commission to the
adoption of a Framework Decision instead and the institution of infringement
proceedings before the CJEU.  en, the con icting opinions of the parties, the Advoc ate
General and the Grand Chamber are analysed, followed by comme ntary.
Keywords: information excha nge; legal basis; police cooperation; road tra  c o ences
Does the establish ment of an EU information exchange mecha nism for road-tra c
o ences constitute an instru ment of criminal law or tra nsport policy?  at i s the
question that the Cour t of Justice of the EU (CJEU) was faced with in the recent case
* Research Assi stant and Ph.D. Candid ate at Queen Mary, University of L ondon (School of Law).  e
author is i ndebted to Pr of. Valsami s Mitsilega s for his va luable comme nts on an earl ier dra of this
case note.

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