Foreign experience in prosecutor's participation institution development in Kazakhstan civil procedure

AuthorAdil Ye Alibekov
Published date01 February 2022
Date01 February 2022
Foreign experience in
prosecutors participation
institution development in
Kazakhstan civil procedure
Adil Ye Alibekov
The question of the purpose and functions of the participation of the prosecutor in the civil process is
relevant, since the idea of them helps to increase the efciency of his activities. This article is devoted
to a comprehensive study of the possibility of applying foreign experience in the prosecutorspartici-
pation in institution development in Kazakhstan civil procedure. The article used both general scien-
tic methods of cognition logical, analysis, and synthesis and private scienticmethodsformal
legal, system analysis. It analysed the various points of view on the issue of the legal status and func-
tions of the participation of the prosecutor in the civil process. The scientic novelty is determined by
the fact that functions describe the procedural status of the subjects of civil procedure, allowing the
streamlining of the multilateral procedural activities of state bodies, ofcials and other persons
involved in civil proceedings. The practical signicance of the study is determined by the fact that
its results can be used for in-depth research of the functions of the prosecutor in civil proceedings.
Prosecutor, legislation, regulation, branch, law
1. Introduction
The legal status of the prosecutor is a complex legal phenomenon, for the completeness of the
expression of which it is advisable to distinguish the general, special and procedural status of
Institute of Professional Development Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor GeneralsOfce of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, Kosshy, Republic of Kazakhstan
Corresponding author:
Adil Ye. Alibekov, Department of Prosecutors Supervision, Institute of Professional Development Law Enforcement
Academy under the Prosecutor GeneralsOfce of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 021804, 16 Respublikanskaya Str., Kosshy,
Republic of Kazakhstan.
Maastricht Journal of European and
Comparative Law
2022, Vol. 29(1) 4761
© The Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1023263X211055343

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