Further Reading

AuthorPeter Lyons
2 Further Reading


A good way to obtain some of these books is through https://abebooks.com or Wildy’s book shop in Carey Street, London.

Michèle M Asprey, Plain Language for Lawyers (Federation Press, Sydney,


James Baker, Work Hard, Study … and Keep out of Politics (Putnam, New York,


Garfield Barwick, A Radical Tory (Federation Press, Sydney, 1995)

Cicely Berry, Your Voice and How to Use It (Virgin Books, London 2000)

Tom Bingham, The Business of Judging (Oxford University Press, Oxford,


First Earl of Birkenhead, Contemporary Personalities (Cassell, London, 1924)

Second Earl of Birkenhead, FE: The Life of FE Smith, First Earl of Birkenhead

(Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1965)

Second Earl of Birkenhead, Walter Monckton (Weidenfield & Nicolson,

London, 1969)

Louis Blom-Cooper QC and others, The Judicial House of Lords 1876–2009

(Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009)

AE Bowker, Behind the Bar (Staples Press, London, 1947)

Fenton Bresler, Lord Goddard (Harrap, London, 1977)

John Bryson, Evil Angels (Penguin Books, London, 1988)

John Campbell, FE Smith (Jonathan Cape, London 1983)

Winston Churchill, Great Contemporaries (Revised Edition, Thornton

Butterworth Ltd, London, 1938)

Lord Denning, The Closing Chapter (Butterworths, London, 1983)

Patrick Devlin, Easing the Passing (The Bodley Head, London, 1985)

Patrick Devlin, Taken at the Flood (Taverner Publications, London, 1996)

Sir Owen Dixon, Jesting Pilate (The Law Book Company Ltd, Melbourne,


250 Advocacy: A Practical Guide

Richard DuCann, The Art of the Advocate (Penguin, London, 1993)

Sir Robin Dunn, Sword and Wig: The Memoirs of a Lord Justice (Quiller Press,
London, 1993)

Keith Evans, Advocacy at the Bar – A Beginners Guide (New Edition, Blackstone
Press Ltd, London, 1992)

EW Fordham, Notable Cross-examinations (Constable & Co, London, 1952)

Brian Garner, Legal Writing in Plain English (University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, 2001)

Justin Gleeson and Ruth Higgins, Rediscovering Rhetoric (Federation Press,
Sydney, 2008)

Thomas Grant, Jeremy Hutchinson’s Case Theories (John Murray, London,

Stanley Jackson, The Life and Cases of Mr Justice Humphreys (Odhams Press,

Lord Hailsham, A Sparrow’s Flight (Collins, London, 1990)

Ian Hancock, Tom Hughes QC (Federation Press, Sydney, 2016)

Patrick Hastings, The Autobiography of Sir Patrick Hastings (Heinemann,
London, 1950)

Charles Hennessy, Practical Advocacy in the Sheriff Court (Thomson, W Green,
Edinburgh, 2006)...

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