Groupwork in Prisons

Published date01 March 1993
Date01 March 1993
Subject MatterArticles
Garth, Parkhurst, Gloucester and
RESEARCH Featherstone reported none. In total
120 groups were in action, half concer-
ning the four most common themes
mentioned above.
Facilitating Groupwork: Probation
officers facilitate the bulk of prison
groupwork, being particularly respon-
sible for offending behaviour, drugs
and alcohol groups. Psychologist
undertake the greatest responsibility
for anger groups. Prison officers are in-
Groupwork in
volved in less than half of groupwork
in prisons but participate in 45 % of of-
fending behaviour work. Outside agen-
cies are, not surprisingly, most
represented in drugs and alcohol work.
Graham Towl, Head of
Forensic Psychology at
In Conclusion : Groupwork appears to
Highpoint Prison,
be most prevalent in women’s prisons
young offender institutions which
a pilot survey in
appear to be more readily acknowledg-
1991 to establish what
ed to have ’special needs ’I‘c~wl predicts
group-work is being
that elderly lifers will be recognised
undertaken and by whom.
soon as a ’special needs’ group. The
Twenty-seven prison
four most common forms of group
lend themselves to
psychology units covering
stratagems for participants and could
34 prisons in England and
usefully form the basis for facilitators’
Wales were sent
manuals to promote the spread of such
questionnaires; 25 replied.
significantly under-represented in
Type of Groupwork : The four most
prison groupwork. Generally, group-
work is indirectly (or, less commonly,
types of groupwork reported
directly) related to offending or institu-
were: alcohol issues, anger control, of-
tional behaviour associated with ’con-
fending and drugs issues. Other group
initiatives included the
problems. Towl believes that such
more familiar
work is
pre-release, social skills and
likely to develop further in the
sex offen-
1990s but calls for more active research
ding rogrammes. Less familiar themes

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