Guest editorial
Pages | 1-7 |
DOI | |
Published date | 31 December 2021 |
Date | 31 December 2021 |
Author | Beatrice Orlando,Manlio Del Giudice,Shlomo Tarba,Cary L. Cooper,Ari Ginsberg,Arvind Malhotra,Detmar Straub |
Guest editorial
Building entrepreneurial ecosystem resilience: a sustainable frontier for
intellectual capital management
There is the utmost urgency today to turn the page and rethink the way entrepreneurial
ecosystems are designed, leveraging on what we have already gleaned in the way of green
knowledge and sustainability. Social policy and private sector decision-makers need to take
on major responsibilities in this transformation. Green innovation and, hence, the creation of
green entrepreneurial ecosystems depend on the ability to support a shift toward the green
economy by designing sound regional systems and by investing in green innovation
(Ginsberg and Venkatraman, 1995;Malhotra et al., 2013). To be effective, the regional green
technology management approach needs to be structured in such a way that it takes into
account the local culture (Kraus et al., 2020).
Hence, the local culture determines individual green behaviors and green innovation
adoption (Duet al.,2017;Orlando et al.,2020). Indeed,valuing the cultural contextis associated
with a greater propensity, at a social level,to produce green innovations (Orlando et al.,2020).
A local culture,hence, has its legacy of traditionsand one can think of it almost as a repository
of nonwritten, social displays of deeply felt emotions. Such emotions are the wellspring that
connects entrepreneurial initiative,knowledge creation, and intellectual capital (IC) creationat
the grassroots-level. All these developments are likewise theoffspring of creativity or, in other
words,of emotions that are individuallybirthed but are then shared by a communityover time.
Emotions like happiness (Cooper and Robertson, 2013), with its close relationship to
creativity, underlay the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem architecture along with their
capacity to help generate unique knowledge and valuable intellectual capital resources.
Broadly speaking, happiness and wellness are the bedrock of entrepreneurial initiative, of
innovation and of IC creation (Usai et al., 2020). Green entrepreneurship is likewise subject to
this same kind of emotional grounding.
On this individual, subjective level, happiness can become a driver of climate resilience,
described as the ability to self-assess one’s condition, to respond to events and to evaluate the
surrounding environment in relation to risk (Jones, 2018). Yet, in a certain way, the prospering
of entrepreneurial initiatives is just another facet of climate resilience. In such a context, it is
important to understand factors that influence entrepreneurial initiatives. Those factors
directly impact adaptation ability, the other side of the coin of resilience. To be resilient, a
system must be able to positively adapt.
How do systems adapt today, reacting effectively and sustainably to disruptions like
those brought on by the global COVID-19 pandemic? One answer lies in the creation of green
entrepreneurial ecosystems. Knowledge spillovers can also play a major role in the creation of
such ecosystems and green technology innovation. In a nutshell, resilient entrepreneurial
ecosystems could and should use a global approach in their design.
Global forcescould then, in a virtual cycle, turnaround and enhance the design of regional-
specificpolicies for supportingentrepreneurship.It becomes clear thata locally tuned system of
indicators should be developed in order to lay downwell-rounded, system-specific pathways
for individualeconomies and sub-economiesas well as for entireecosystems. One step forward
in this overall highly ambitious agenda is IC createdwithin special issues such as this one.
Special issue studies on intellectual capital and entrepreneurship
This special issue includes a series of original and valuable contributions which shed new
light on entrepreneurial initiatives. These papers greatly extend our current knowledge of IC
Guest editorial
Journal of Intellectual Capital
Vol. 22 No. 1, 2021
pp. 1-7
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/JIC-01-2021-303
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