HAL template Station Access Agreement (forming part of the access documentation proposed by TfL)
Section | Transport for London appeal under regulation 29 and complaint under regulation 30 of the Railways Infrastructure (Access and Management) Regulations |
DATED: 20[ ]
Heathrow Airport Limited
as Station Facility Owner
- and -
Transport for London or a railway undertaking nominated by Transport for London
(currently MTR Corporation (Crossrail) Limited)
as Beneficiary
[Central Terminals Area Station / Heathrow Terminal 4 Station]
[Station Specific Annex reference]
(Access by passenger operators)
TfL understands that Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL) both owns the stations and will act as "station
facility owner" and is therefore the appropriate party to grant access under a station access
agreement. In a number of meetings with TfL, HAL indicated that it intends to enter into a separate
Station Management Agreement with HEOC under which HAL will sub-contract the vast majority of
the day-to-day management, operation and maintenance of the stations to HEOC. TfL acknowledges
that the template Station Access Agreement enables HAL to sub-contract its obligations. TfL does
however have material concerns as to how this structure will work in practice, specifically in relation
to the following areas:
1 who will hold the required Safety Authorisation and be responsible for safety on a day-to-day
2 Events of Default, including how the insolvency of HEOC and/or HEOC's failure to perform its
obligations under the sub-contract will impact upon this Station Access Agreement;
3 charging, specifically how HAL will effectively manage HEOC's costs in the context of the
overall charging structure and given that HEOC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of HAL;
4 ensuring that HEOC acts in a fair and non-discriminatory manner (given that it is TfL's
competitor) in providing the day-to-day services; and
5 how day-to-day operations will be managed in practice; specifically what mechanisms will be
in place to enable the Beneficiary to liaise with HEOC.
TfL has proposed amendments to the model form of Station Access Agreement where appropriate to
ensure that HAL is obliged to put arrangements in place in order to address the concerns set out in
points 1 to 5 above.
TfL requires separate access agreements and charging arrangements/access charges for each of
the two Heathrow stations for the purposes of access. There will therefore be a separate, cost-
reflective access charge reflecting the directly incurred costs for each of the Central Terminals Area
and Terminal 4 stations.
1. Interpretation
1.1 Definitions ................................................................................................. 1
1.2 References ................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Sub-contractors ......................................................................................... 5
1.4 Station Access Conditions ......................................................................... 5
1.5 Exclusive Station Services ........................................................................ 5
2. Conditions Precedent
2.1 Conditions Precedent ................................................................................ 5
2.2 Obligation to satisfy Conditions Precedent ................................................ 6
2.3 Entry into effect ......................................................................................... 6
2.4 Non-satisfaction ........................................................................................ 6
2.5 Warranties ................................................................................................. 7
3. Permission to Use the Station ................................................................................ 7
4. Station Access Conditions ..................................................................................... 7
5. Term and Termination
5.1 Term ......................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Events of default ....................................................................................... 8
5.3 Suspension ............................................................................................. 10
5.4 Termination ............................................................................................. 12
5.5 Exclusion of common law termination rights ............................................ 13
5.6 Non-operation of trains ............................................................................ 14
6. Charges for Permission to Use the Station .......................................................... 14
7. Whole Agreement, amendment and assignment
7.1 Whole agreement .................................................................................... 15
7.2 Counterparts ........................................................................................... 15
7.3 Amendment ............................................................................................. 15
7.4 Assignment ............................................................................................. 15
7.5 Novation .................................................................................................. 15
7.6 Sub-contractors ....................................................................................... 16
7.7 Ceasing to be facility owner .................................................................... 18
8. Notices and communications ............................................................................... 18
9. Governing law and submission to jurisdiction
9.1 Governing law ......................................................................................... 19
9.2 Jurisdiction .............................................................................................. 19
10. Rights of Third Parties
10.1 Application to Third Parties ..................................................................... 19
10.2 Application to the Office of Rail and Road and Transport for London ..... 20
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