Heslop v Bishton and Others
Jurisdiction | England & Wales |
Neutral Citation | [2009] EWHC 607 (Ch) |
Year | 2009 |
Date | 2009 |
Court | Chancery Division |
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4 cases
Decision Nº LRA 76 2013. Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber), 08-12-2014
...William Aldred’s Case (1610) 9 Co. Rep. 57b F.C. Strick & Co. Ltd. v The City Offices Co. Ltd. (1906) 22 T.L.R. 667 Heslop v Bishton [2009] EWHC 607 (Ch.) Deacon v S.E. Railway (1889) 61 L.T. 377 Re McGuckian & Ors’ Appeal [2008] EW Lands LRA/85/2006 (3 January 2008) R. (on the application ......
Howard John Kettel and Others v Bloomfold Ltd
...of an equivalent easement over another-see Greenwich NHS Trust v London & Quadrant Housing Association [1998] 1 WLR 1749- and I held in Heslop v Bishton [2009] EWHC 607 (Ch) that obstruction of the easement originally granted did not cease to be actionable in principle because of the availa......
Charles William Michael Lea v David Anthony Ward
...is no reason in principle why it should not grant other relief, such as a declaration as to subsistence of the right or compensation ( Heslop v. Bishton [2009] EWHC 607 (Ch) at paragraph [25]). 129 It follows from my finding as to the position of the right of way that I reject the submissio......
Shea v. Bowser, (2016) 371 N.S.R.(2d) 14 (CA)
...23]. Deal et al. v. Palmeter et al. (2004), 227 N.S.R.(2d) 82; 720 A.P.R. 82; 2004 NSSC 190, refd to. [para. 23]. Heslop v. Bishton, [2009] EWHC 607 (Ch.), refd to. [para. Robert H. Pineo, for the appellant; Mark J. Charles, for the respondent. This appeal was heard in Halifax, N.S., on Nov......
2 books & journal articles
Table of Cases
...Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [2006] EWCA Civ 1718, [2007] JPL 1207, [2007] 1 EG 93 (CS), [2006] NPC 133 209 Heslop v Bishton [2009] EWHC 607 (Ch), [2009] 2 EGLR 11 31 Hewlett v Secretary of State for the Environment and Brentwood County Council [1983] JPL 105 383 Heywood’s Conveyance......
Particular Easements and Examples of Analogous Remedies of Relevance to Development
...that none of the defendants would be entitled to an injunction should the road scheme be implemented. See also Heslop v Bishton [2009] EWHC 607 (Ch), where the court ruled that although the servient owner could not unilaterally alter the route of a right of way (subject to exceptions, apply......