Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem (Possessions, etc.) Act 1540

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Statutes made at Westminster, Anno 32 Hen VIII. and Anno Dom.1540. An Act concerning the lands and goods of the hospitals of S.Iohns of Ierusalem in England andIreland to be heereafter in the Kings hands and disposition.

(32 Hen. 8) C A P. XXIV.

'THE Lords spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present Parliament assembled, hauing credible knowledge that diuers and sundry the King's subjects called Knights of theRhodes , otherwise called knights of Saint Iohns , otherwise called Friers of the religion of Saint Iohn of Ierusalem in England , and of a like house being in Ireland , abiding in the partes of beyond the Sea, and hauing as well out of this Realme as out of Ireland and other the Kings dominions, yeerely great sums of money for maintenance of their liuings, haue vnnaturally and contrary to the dutie of their allegiances, susteined and maintained the vsurped power and authoritie of the Bishop of Rome lately vsed and practised within this realme and other the Kings dominions, and haue not onely adhered themselves to the saide Bishop being common enemie to the King our Soueraigne Lord, and to this his realme vntruly vpholding, acknowledging and affirming maliciously and traiterously, the same Bishop to be supreame and chiese heade of Christs Church by Gods holy word, intending thereby to subvert and ouerthrow the good and godly lawes and statutes of this realme their naturall countrey, made and grounded by authority of holy Church by the most excellent wisdome, policie and goodnes of the Kings majestie with the whole assent and consent of the realme, for the abolishing, expulsing & vtter extincting of the said vsurped power and authoritie, but also have defamed and slandered as well the Kings majestie as the noble men, Prelats and other the Kings true and louing Subjects of this realme, for their good and godly proceeding in that behalfe, haue therefore deepely pondered and considered that like as it is and was a most godly Act of the Kings most royall majestie, and the said Noble men, Prelats, and Commons of this realme, vtterly to expulse and abolish not onely from this realme, but also from other the Kings dominions the said vsurped power and authoritie of the Bishop of Rome , and also the hypocritike and superstitious religions in this Realme, and other the Kings dominions being his members and adherents hauing their originall erection and foundation by the said vsurped authoritie, by expulsing whereof Gods holy word necessary for increase of vertue and saluation of christian soules, is not onely purely and sincerely aduanced and set forth, but also the extort exactions of innumerable summes of money, craftily exhausted out of this realme and of other the Kings dominions, by the colour of the said vsurped authoritie is removed and taken away, to the inestimable benefit and commoditie of the Kings louing subjects, so in like maner of wise it should be most dangerous to be suffered or permitted within this realme or in any other the Kings dominions, any religion being sparks, leaues, and imps of the said root of iniquitie, considering also that the Isle of Rhodes , whereby the said religion tooke their old name and foundation is surpised by the Turke.


II. And that it were and is much better that the possessions in this realme, and in other the Kings dominions appertaining to the said religion, should rather be imployed and spent within this realme, and in other the Kings dominions, for the defence and suretie of the same, then conuerted to & among such vnnaturall subjects which haue declined not only from their naturall dutie of obedience, that they ought to bear vnto the King their soueraigne Lord, but also from the good lawes and statutes of this realme, their naturall country, daily doing and attempting priuily and craftily, all that they can to subuert the good and godly policie, in the which thanks be to God and to our most dread soueraigne Lord, this realme and all other the Kings dominions now stand in:' In consideration whereof, the said Lords spirituall and temporall, and the commons in this present Parliament assembled, most humbly beseeche the Kings most royall Majestie, that it may be enacted by his highnes and by the assent of the Lords spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present Parliamentassembled, that the corporation of the said religion, as well within this realme, as within the Kings dominions and land ofIreland , by whatsoever name or names they be founded, incorporated or knowne, shall be vtterly dissolued and void to all intents and purposes. And that sir William Weston Knight, now being Prior of the said religion within this realme of England , shall not be named or called from henceforth Prior of S. Iohns of Ierusalem in England , but shall be called by his proper name of William Weston Knight, without further addition touching the said religion. And that likewise Iohn Rauson Knight, now being Prior of Kilmainam inIreland , shal not be called or named from henceforth Prior of Kilmainam in Ireland , but onely by his proper name of Iohn Rauson Knight, without further addition touching the said religion, nor that any of the brethren or confreres of the said religion in this realme of England , and land of Ireland , shall be called Knights of the Rhodes , nor Knights of Saint Iohns , but shall be called by their own proper christian names and surnames of their parents, without any other additions touching the said religion.


III. And be it furthermore enacted by authority of this present Parliament, that if the saidWilliam Weston , or any of his brethren or confreres of the hospitall or house of S. Iohn of Ierusalem in England now abiding and dwelling...

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