II New Titles

Date01 December 2012
Published date01 December 2012
Subject MatterPart D: Documentation
Netherlands Qu arterly of Human Ri ghts, Vol. 30/4 (2012) 523
e access of individual s to international justice / Antônio Augusto C ançado Trindade.
– Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. – xxiii, 236 p. – ( e collected cour ses of the
Academy of European Law; vol. XVIII/1)
ISBN: 978–0-19–958095–8
is book contends that the right of access to justice (at national and international
levels) constitutes a basic cornerstone of the international protection of human r ights.
It comprises not only the formal access to a t ribunal or judge, but also respect for the
guarantees of due process of law, the rig ht to a fair trial, and to reparations (whenever
they are due), and the faithful execution of judgments.  is is a domain that has
undergone a remarkable development in recent years. It is submitted that the r ight of
access to justice belongs today to the doma in of jus cogens. Without it, there is no legal
system at all.  e protection of the human person in the most adverse c ircumstances
has evolved amongst considerations of ordre public. Such recent evolution has
been contributing to the gradual expansion of the material content of jus cogens.
Furthermore, the ver y notion of “victim”(encompassing direct, indirect a nd potential
victims) has been the subject of a considerable international case-law. Victims have
had their cause vindicated in situations of utmost adversity, if not defencelessness
(e.g., abandoned or “street children”, undocumented migrants, members of peace
communities in situations of armed con ict, internally displaced persons, individuals
in infra-human conditions of detention, survivi ng victims of massacres).
Amnesty justi ed?  e need for a case approach in the interests of human rights /
Vera Vriezen. – Antwerp: Intersentia, 2012. – xvii, 270 p. – (School of Human Rights
Research series; no. 52)
ISBN: 978–1-78068–075–0
e core question of this study is what kind of amnesty laws can be considered
legitimate in the lig ht of the need to combine respect for human rights and the rule of
law with the need to restore peace a nd public order.  e study is dedicated to answering
that question by exami ning the legality of national amnest y laws under international
law, by looking into the United Nations’ position and practice on t he subject, and by
de ning the rig hts of victims related to t he pr actice of granting amnesty.  e author
determines the fac tors that are of importance when review ing an amnesty measure or

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