In Training

AuthorDavid Kirk
Published date01 April 2010
Date01 April 2010
JCL 74(2) dockie..JCL618 Opinion - Kirk .. Page91 OPINION
In Training
David Kirk*
Chief Criminal Counsel, Financial Services Authority
Access to a legal career has always been difficult, whichever branch of
the profession, and whichever speciality, a student lawyer might choose.
But present conditions are probably as difficult as they have ever been.
In the current economic downturn many law firms face seriously
shrinking business opportunities and fee income, and the Bar is having
to deal with the twin demons of reduction in legal aid rates and the rise
of the Higher Court Advocate (HCA). The effects are felt at all levels of
seniority, but the major squeeze is at entrance level. Law firms are not
taking on as many trainees or recruiting as many newly qualified
solicitors. Training contracts have been deferred for a year, with the
result that there will be a bulge over the next 18 months. It would take
a brave man to predict an improvement within the next five years—
even though experience from previous recessions would show that the
market often bounces back unexpectedly quickly.
The current problem is particularly acute in the criminal law. The
changes to criminal legal aid funding following various reviews, includ-
ing the Carter Review of Legal Aid Procurement in July 2006...

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