
Published date01 December 2018
Date01 December 2018
Michael ADLER: Bernardo Zacka: When the State Meets the Street ........486
Sundeep AULAKH and Joan LOUGHREY: Regulating Law Firms from the
Inside: The Role of Compliance Officers for Legal Practice in England
and Wales . . ................................................254
Nina BOEGER: Beyond the Shareholder Corporation: Alternative Business
Forms and the Contestation of Markets . . . ......................... 10
Anthony BRADNEY: Riaz Tejani: Law Mart: Justice, Access and For-Profit
Law Schools ................................................492
Kylie BURNS: `In this Day and Age': Social Facts, Common Sense, and
Cognition in Tort Law Judging in the United Kingdom ...............226
David CAMPBELL: F.C. Simon: Meta-Regulation In Practice: Beyond
Normative Views of Morality and Rationality .......................309
Rachel CAREY, Gyorgy SCRINIS, and Christine PARKER: The Meat in the
Sandwich: Welfare Labelling and the Governance of Meat-chicken
Production in Australia ........................................341
Janine Natalya CLARK: Transitional Justice, Education, and Sexual
Violence Stigma: The Results of a Schools-based Study in Bosnia-
Herzegovina ................................................509
Emilie CLOATRE: Law and ANT (and its Kin): Possibilities, Challenges, and
Ways Forward ...............................................646
John COGGON: Camilla Kong: Mental Capacity in Relationship: Decision-
Making, Dialogue, and Autonomy .............................. 316
Dave COWAN: Esther Sullivan: Manufactured Insecurity: Mobile Home
Parks and Americans' Tenuous Right to Place ......................679
Samantha FAIRCLOUGH: Using Hawkins's Surround, Field, and Frames
Concepts to Understand the Complexities of Special Measures Decision
Making in Crown Court Trials . .................................457
Carol J. GREENHOUSE: Reading Durkheim in Darkness ...............664
Renata GROSSI: Love as a Disadvantage in Law ......................205
Fiona HAINES and Christine PARKER: An Ecological Approach to
Regulatory Studies? . . . ........................................136
Lydia HAYES: Barbara HavelkovaÂ: Gender Equality in Law: Uncovering
the Legacies of Czech State Socialism ............................497
Stephen HEALY: Corporate Enterprise as Commonwealth ............... 46
Imogen JONES `It's All About Justice': Bodies, Balancing Competing
Interests, and Suspicious Deaths .................................563
FeÂlix KRAWATZEK: Uladzislau Belavusau and Aleksandra GliszczynõÁska-
Grabias (eds.): Law and Memory: Towards Legal Governance of History . 323
Antonia LAYARD: Alexander Kedar, Ahmad Amara, and Oren Yiftachel:
Emptied Lands: A Legal Geography of Bedouin Rights in the Negev .....685
ß2018 The Author. Journal of Law and Society ß2018 Cardiff University Law School

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