
AuthorWilliam Webster


References are to page numbers.

Area of outstanding natural beauty domestic use, free-standing solar panels for 258–60

wind farm near, case study 103–4

Carbon dioxide
net emissions 6

Case study
largest battery energy storage system see largest UK solar farm below

largest UK solar farm
adverse effects, lack of significant

agricultural land, impact on 273–4,

battery energy storage system, importance 266
battery storage safety

Battery Safety Management Plan

284, 285, 286
concerns 284–5
copper leaching from panels 284 decommissioning costs 284 explosion, risk 286
fire and rescue service’s involvement 285
fire risk 284, 286
inspections 285
leaks, dealing with 285 mitigation measures 285, 286 site security 285–6
size of facility, concerns 284 Vanadium Redox flow batteries


biodiversity and nature conservation

268–71, 278, 292 compatibility with government policy 266
compulsory acquisition and temporary possession agreement as to 287 benefits arising 289 compelling case for 289–90 flood defences 288 funding arrangements 288 generally 287–90 guidance 288
habitats management 288–9 Human Rights Act 2008, and

Planning Act 2008, and 289 reasons for 287–8
statutory undertakers, etc, effect on

conservation areas, nearby 273 cultural heritage, impact on 271–3 development consent order for

emissions saving 265, 266 European eels, effect on 270 Examination process 265–6 flooding and coastal defences see water environment below generally 265–6, 292 generating capacity 265
grant of permission 291 habitats, protection 286–7 height of solar panels 267

296 Renewable Energy from Wind and Solar Power

Case study (continued)
largest UK solar farm (continued) historic landscape character, impact on 273

Kent Wildlife Trust, objections by

land occupied by, size 265, 267 landscape and visual effects 267–9 listed buildings, effect on 271,

Local Impact Reports 269
local opposition 268
matters for consideration 292 mitigation proposals
battery storage safety 285 biodiversity and nature conservation 270–1 generally 292
inequality or discrimination 277 noise and vibration 275–6 recreational amenity 278
safety and security 283–4, 285,

socio-economic benefits 277,

278, 279
water environment 280 monitoring 271
National Policy Statement, absence

266, 292
nationally significant infrastructure project, as 266
Natural England, involvement 268,

269, 270
nature of development 265–6
need for development 266
noise and vibration 275–6 ornithological concerns 268–70 Planning Act 2008, importance of criteria in 292
planning balance, consideration conclusions and decision 291 generally 290–1
residential properties, effect on views

RSPB, objections by 268, 292 safety and security
accident risk, minimising 284

Air Quality Impact Assessment

battery safety see battery storage safety above
criminal activity, consideration of possible 285–6
EN-1 283
environmental statement 283,

generally 283–6
measures to ensure 285 mitigation measures 283–4, 285,

Secretary of State’s involvement see planning balance, consideration above
socio-economic effects
adverse effects 277
benefits 277
employment benefits 278, 279 Equality Impact Assessment 277,

generally 276–79
human health, no risk to 279 issues involved 276, 277 land use issues 278–9
Local Impact Report 277 mitigation measures 277, 279 public footpaths, harm to users

278, 279
recreational amenity, 278 representations, submission 278 tourism 278, 279
traffic and transport impacts 274–5,

water environment
concerns as to flooding 281 construction and operational risks, managing 283
Environment Agency’s response

environmental statement 281,

flood defences, ongoing maintenance 280–1
Flood Risk Assessment 280, 282,


generally 280–3
Local Impact Reports 281 mitigation measures 280, 283 policies 280
Strategy 281, 282
Water Framework Directive, compliance with 282, 283 solar power development
additional 10-year period of operation, justification for 293–4 amenity protection, relevance of local plan policy 229, 230
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, in 258–60
attractive rural areas, in 264 battery storage safety see under largest UK solar farm above benefits outweighing harm, where

built development, relevance of general principles 229 construction industry, support for

countryside, as encroachment on

domestic property

Area of Outstanding Natural

Beauty, in 258–60
National Park, just outside 252–3 employment benefits 262
energy efficiency, relevance 230 extension of operational period, justification for 293–4
Grade II listed church, panels on

Green Belt see under Green Belt harmful impacts, time-limited nature

heritage impact, adverse 261–4 interference with operation 227–33 landscape, harm to

Cotswolds National LCA, within

generally 243–6
Guidelines 262
harm outweighing benefits 244,


inspector’s conclusions as to

matters for consideration 244 mitigation measures 244 Open Limestone Wolds LCT, within 244–5
reduced level of proposed development 243, 246 Shilton Downs LCA, within

see also landscape and heritage grounds, rejection on below landscape and heritage grounds, rejection on
adverse landscape impacts 251 BMV land 248
conservation areas nearby 264 cumulative nature of impacts 263 development plan, conflict with

economic and social benefits, insufficient 250, 264 generally 247–51, 261–4 Grade I listed church 263 Grade II listed properties 263 growth of native species, insufficiency 249
harm outweighing benefits 250,

heritage impact 248, 250 Landscape Capacity Study 249 Landscape Character Area, effect on 263
lifespan, relevance 247, 249, 251 local environment compromised

local value, landscape of 248,

NPPF 247, 248
policies, relevance 247, 249 screening, incongruous nature of

size of development 247
SLA, inclusion in 248, 249 SPD, effect 249
sustainable development, scheme not representing 250

298 Renewable Energy from Wind and Solar Power

Case study (continued)
solar power development (continued) landscape and heritage grounds, rejection on (continued)
visual impact, relevance 249

largest see largest UK solar farm above

local plan, relevance 229–30, 232 low carbon energy: meaning 230 material planning consideration climate change as 233
LPA’s approach 232, 233 materiality, test 232 neighbour’s proposed development

rationality challenge 231, 233 Wednesbury unreasonableness

weight given to 231–2 mitigation of climate change, as legitimate consideration 232 National Park
country house, panels in grounds of 256–7
domestic property just outside

neighbouring residential property, effect of development on 227–33 overshadowing caused by neighbour’s development 227– 33
planning system’s support for renewable energy 230 prescriptive easement, whether right to light as 233
renewable energy: meaning 230 UK Solar PV Strategy, consideration

visual impact, relevance 230, 261–

wind power project
access track, concerns as to approval despite 137–8
refusal of permission 151–3 adverse landscape and visual impacts approval 137, 139, 144–50

refusal of permission 133, 151–

3, 154
air quality 177–8
air safety issues 140, 141, 184 archaeological remains, conservation

115, 118
area of great natural beauty, landscape and visual impact 200–1
area of outstanding natural beauty, in or near 103–4, 144–50
bats, effect on 180
benefits outweighing harm, whether

115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 122, 134, 138, 143, 153, 195
biodiversity and habitats 187–8 character and amenity of area, effect on 115, 117
Climate Change Act 2008 and net-zero target 196
climate emergency, declaration

149, 150
coastal erosion 175
coastal hills, on 142 commercial fisheries, impact on

community benefits as material consideration
community fund 173 conditions, no justification for imposition 127
connection with proposed development, need for 127 DECC general guidance 127–30 examples of community benefits

generally 112–13, 125–30 inducement to grant permission, where 126
Localism Act 129
LPA policies on 129
planning process, benefits separate from 127, 129, 130 socio-economic and material benefits 130
voluntary nature of benefits 129

Written Material Statement, effect

compulsory acquisition, etc associated development 192 conditions for 191–2
Crown land 193
discussions with statutory undertakers 193
Funding Statement 192 generally 191–5
human rights 194
objections 193
Open Space Land 193–4

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