Index for Volume 65, 2002
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Date | 01 November 2002 |
Published date | 01 November 2002 |
BURRELL, ROBERT (co-author) Liability for the Escape of GM Seeds: Pursuing the ‘victim’? 517
CHARLESWORTH, HILARY International Law: A Discipline of Crisis 377
EDWARDS, RICHARD Judicial Deference under the Human Rights Act 859
ELLISON, LOUISE Prosecuting Domestic violence without victim Participation 834
FOMBAD, CHARLES MANGA The Protection of Freedom of Expression in the Public Service
Media in Southern Africa: A Botswana Perspective 649
HARLOW, CAROL Public Law and Popular Justice 1
JACKSON, EMILY Conception and the Irrelevance of the Welfare Principle 176
KOSKENNIEMI, MARTTI ‘The Lady Doth Protest Too Much’ Kosovo, and the Turn to
Ethnics in International Law 159
LEE, MARIA Liability for the Escape of GM Seeds: Pursuing the ‘victim’? 517
MCVEA, HARRY Predators and The Public Interest – The ‘Big Four’ and Multi-
Disciplinary Practices 811
MURRAY, ANDREW Controlling the New Media: Hybrid Responses to New Forms of Power 491
NOBLES, RICHARD The Right to Appeal and Workable Systems of Justice 676
NORRIE, ALAN From Criminal Law to Legal Theory: The Mysterious Case of the
Reasonable Glue Sniffer 538
O’DELL, EOIN Restitution, Rectification, and Mitigation: Negligent Solicitors and Wills, Again 360
REDMAYNE, MIKE Appeals to Reason 19
RUBIN, G. R. United Kingdom Military Law: Autonomy, Civilianisation, Juridification 36
SCHIFF, DAVID (co-author) Autonomy, Guardianship and Mental Disorder: One Problem,
Two Solutions 702
SCOTT, COLIN (co-author) Controlling the New Media: Hybrid Responses to New Forms
of Power 491
TULLY, JAMES The Unfreedom of the Moderns in Comparison to Their Ideals of
Constitutional Democracy 204
WALKER, NEIL The Idea of Constitutional Pluralism 317
CRYER, ROBERT De`ja´ vu in International Law 931
FAVARGUE, SARA The Law’s Response to Pregnancy and Childbirth: Consistency,
Conflict or Compromise? 290
IRELAND, PADDY History, Critical Legal Studies and the Mysterious Disappearance of
Capitalism 120
O’NEILL, JOHNATHAN Marbury vMadison at 200: Revisionist Scholarship
and the Legitimacy of American Judicial Review 792
POOLE, THOMAS Dogmatic Liberalism? T.R.S. Allan and the Common Law Constitution 463
VINCENT-JONES, PETER Regulating Government by Contract: Towards a Public Law
Framework? 611
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