Initiatives towards formation of academic library consortium in Malaysia
Pages | 102-110 |
Published date | 07 January 2014 |
Date | 07 January 2014 |
DOI | |
Author | Hafsah Mohd,Rosnah Yusof,Rohaya Umar |
Initiatives towards formation
of academic library consortium
in Malaysia
Hafsah Mohd, Rosnah Yusof and Rohaya Umar
Tun Seri Lanang Library, National University of Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Purpose – This paper aims to report on several initiatives towards formation of national consortium
among academic libraries in Malaysia. The consortium focused on subscription of online databases.
Design/methodology/approach – In July 2004, CDC on behalf of PERPUN members made several
initiatives towards formation of national consortium of Malaysian academic libraries. Proposal paper
on the formation of the consortium has been submitted to the Ministry of Higher Education. Through
“loose consortia” formed, CDC and later known as Malaysian Online E-Resources Consortium
(MOLEC) succeeded in negotiating for subscription of online databases and was able to get financial
aid from the Ministry of Education to subscribe several databases since 2002.
Findings – A commercial databases committee (CDC) was formed in year 2000 as a platform for
academic libraries to evaluate, select, negotiate and manage the online databases. Complications
involved in online databases subscriptions such as cost increase, license agreement, various formats of
usage statistics, merger and takeover of publishers have made PERPUN (Malaysian Standing
Conference of National and University Libraries) realize that there is a need for a formal consortium to
be formed.
Research limitations/implications – An improved service was established for the benefit of the
academic libraries in Malaysia.
Practical implications – A more coordinated approach to consortial dealings is being established
in Malaysia.
Originality/value – This is a report on the process and outcomes.
Keywords Academic libraries,Malaysia, Consortium,
PERPUN (MalaysianStanding Conference of Nationaland University Libraries)
Paper type Research paper
Libraries with their vast store of information and ability to organize, manage and
disseminate information and knowledge can contribute towards achieving
knowledge-rich society in Malaysia. Libraries in Malaysia have established
networking and resource sharing through cooperative cataloguing, interlibrary loan
facilities, union catalogues, standardised cataloguing and classification practices,
training and lately under PERDANA (National Digital Library System) in negotiating
consortia rates and conditions for the subscription of commercial databases. However,
for a more effective resource sharing mechanism, it is felt that a consortium needs to be
established to coordinate activities and programs and facilitate resource sharing in the
digital era (PERDANA Committee on Commercial Databases, 2004).
Library consortia refers to co-operation, co-ordination and collaboration between
and among libraries for the purpose of sharing information resources. Lib raries in
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Received 8 June 2013
Accepted 1 July 2013
Library Management
Vol. 35 No. 1/2, 2014
pp. 102-110
qEmerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/LM-06-2013-0046
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