Institutional quality, macroeconomic uncertainty and efficiency of financial institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

Published date02 August 2022
Date02 August 2022
Subject MatterAccounting & finance,Financial risk/company failure,Financial compliance/regulation
AuthorRexford Abaidoo,Elvis Kwame Agyapong
Institutional quality,
macroeconomic uncertainty and
eciency of nancial institutions
in Sub-Saharan Africa
Rexford Abaidoo
Business Management and Accounting, University of Maryland Eastern Shore,
Princess Anne, Maryland, USA, and
Elvis Kwame Agyapong
Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration GIMPA Green Hill,
Achimota, Accra, Ghana
Purpose This paper evaluates how institutions of governance and macroeconomic uncertainty inuence
efciency of nancial institutions in the subregion of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Data for the empirical
inquiry were compiled from relevantsources for 33 countries in the subregion from 2002 to 2019. Empirical
estimates verifying hypothesized relationships were carried out using the continuous updating estimator
(CUE) by Hansenet al. (1996).
Design/methodology/approach The purpose of this paper is to evaluates how institutions of
governance and macroeconomicuncertainty inuence efciency of nancial institutions in the subregion of
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Data for the empirical inquiry were compiled from relevant sources for 33
countries in the subregionfrom 2002 to 2019. Empirical estimates verifying hypothesizedrelationships were
carriedout using the continuousupdating estimator (CUE) by Hansen et al. (1996).
Findings The results suggest that institutional quality has signicant positive effect on nancial
institution efciency, supporting the view that improved and supportive structures of governance tend to
promote operational efciency among nancial institutions among economies in SSA. In addition,
improvement in individual governance indicators such as corruption control, government effectiveness,
regulatory quality and rule of law was also found to support or enhanceefciency of nancial institutions
among economies in the subregion. Macroeconomic uncertainty on the other hand is found to impede
efciency of nancial institutions;the same condition (macroeconomic uncertainty)is further found to negate
any positive impact corruptioncontrol, government effectiveness, regulatory quality and ruleof law have on
operationalefciency among nancial institutions in the subregion.
Originality/value Unlike most of related studies, this study adopts a different approach on the dynamics of
nancial institutions. Approach pursued in this empirical inquiry examines how the regulatory environment
within which nancial institutions operate, the form of governance and the quality of government institutions
inuence efciency of nancial institutions among emerging economies in Sub-Sahara. Empirical analy sis
conducted examines effects of variables that are unique to this study; these variables are either constructed or
econometrically derived specically for various interactions veried in the study. For instance, institutional
quality variable is an indexconstructed specically for this study using principal component analysis approach.
Keywords Financial institution efciency, Institutional quality, Regulatory environment,
Macroeconomic uncertainty
Paper type Research paper
JEL classication C23, C26, G2, G21, G28
Received10 January 2022
Revised6 May 2022
28June 2022
Accepted11 July 2022
Journalof Financial Regulation
Vol.31 No. 2, 2023
pp. 200-219
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/JFRC-01-2022-0003
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
1. Introduction
Operations of nancial institutions offer one of the crucial productivity and growth support
systems in an economy. As one of its core mandates, nancial institutions function as the
medium through which vital nancial resources (the lifeblood of productive sectors of the
economy) are channeled to key sectors of an economy to ensu re sustained growth and
development. Operations of nancial institutions and how their activities ultimately inuence
productive sectors of an economy and overall growth and development, have over the years
attracted signicant empirical inquiries in the related literature (Wu et al., 2010;Liang and
Reichert, 2012;Bulgari, 2019;Haini, 2020;Gambetta et al.,2021). The role of nancial
institutions in the economic growth process has over the years, also given rise to reviews and
empirical studies focusing on conditions or factors inuencing efciency of their operations.
Financial institution efciency as a result, continues to be examined, and dened using various
measures and indexes by leading studies in the nance and economic literature. The
importance of operations of nancial institutions such as banks in an economy calls for the
need to ensure efciency, which is crucial in sustaining effective means of channeling idle
nancial resources to the various productive sectors of an economy to stimulate growth.
Efciency prole of nancial institutions, the focus of this study, is thus, paramount for both
institutional managers and corporate strategist as well as policymakers; due to their role as the
main economic arteries responsible for routing vital capital resources crucial for economic
growth and development. Importance of nancial institutions as growth-enabling agent in an
economy is often appreciated during periods of adverse operational shocks. Such shocks often
adversely inuence efciency among nancial institutions, and constrain productivity with
negative impact on growth trajectory in an economy. For instance, adverse macroeconomic
conditions or shocks have been found to be inimical to operational efciency among nancial
institutions leading to anemic productivity and sub-par gross domestic product (GDP) growth
(Farzam et al., 2013;Caglayan and Xu, 2019;Saif-Alyous, 2020;Baum et al.,2021;Jaara, 2021).
The literature, thus, attest to the importance of efciency of nancial institutions in the
economic growth and development discourse among economies.
Unlike most of the studies noted above however, the present study is not designed to
examine or further review the nancial institutioneconomic performance nexus. This study
rather pursues a different approach on the dynamics of nancial institutions. Approach
pursued in this empirical inquiry examines how governance and political environment within
which nancial institutions operate inuence efciency of nancial institutions among
emerging economies in Sub-Sahara. In order words, this study specically examines the extent
to which quality of political institutional systems, governance and macroeconomic uncertainty
explainvariabilityinefciency among nancial institutions operating in the subregion. Our
research approach duly recognizes the cardinal role other conditions and variables such as
prevailing macroeconomic environment and industry specic factors play in inuencing
efciency or otherwise among nancial institutions (these are duly controlled for). However,
this study is modeled on the presumption that the form of governance, quality of regulations
and institutions tasked to support private sector entities such as nancial institutions may have
signicant inuence on efciency among such institutions in an economy all things being
equal. We hypothesize this relationship following the work of Rajan and Zingales (2001),where
the structural composition of an economy, such as the cultural, political and legal systems, were
found to affect the pace of development of nancial institutions. Beck et al. (2001) argue that
dynamics of nancial sector performance and nancial institutions development for that
matter can be explained by legal theories of nancial development. According to Beck et al.
(2001),nancial sector dynamics are inuenced by the power of the government (governance),
the political and legal systems. Thus, to some degree, variability in perfor mance of nancial
Eciency of

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