IX Edited Volumes / Ouvrages Collectifs

Published date01 October 2023
Date01 October 2023
73.7121 BRYDAN, David ; REINISCH, Jessica, eds.Internationalists in European History. Rethinking the Twentieth Century. Bloomsbury Aca-
demic, 2021.
O’KEEFFE, Brigid: "Building a communist tower of babel: esperanto and the language politics of internationalism in revolutionary Russia"
TWOREK, Heidi: "Coded internationalism and telegraphic language"
HUBER, Valeska: "’The most international of languages’: English and the global publics of internationalism"
MEHILLI, Elidor: "Radio and revolution: Tirana via Bari, from Moscow to Beijing"
LAYCOCK, Jo: "Speaking the language of humanitarianism or ‘speaking Bolshevik’? visions and vocabularies of refugee relief in Soviet Armenia"
AJLEC, Kornelija: "Yugoslav refugees and British relief workers in Italian and Egyptian refugee camps, 1944-1946"
MANGION, Carmen: "Local and global: women religious, Catholic internationalism and social justice"
LOTYSZ, Slawomir: "Knowledge as aid: locals, experts, international health organizations and building the first Czechoslovak Penicillin Factory, 1944-49"
LAQUA, Daniel: "Student activists and international cooperation in a changing world 1919-1960"
BAAR, Monika: "Vegetables of the world unite! Grassroots internationalization of disabled citizens in the post-war period"
IRONSIDE, Kristy: "’A writer deserves to be paid for his work’: American progressive writers, foreign royalties, and the limits of Soviet internationalism in the
mid-to-late 1950s"
BRYDAN, David: "Sowing the seed of the gospel in the work of world reconstruction: Catholic internationalists and the WHO"
REINISCH, Jessica: "Where is Europe? The seagoing cowboys and the post-war relief project"
PEARSON, Jessica: "Internationalists in flight? Tourism, propaganda, and the making of Air France’s global empire"
LAGENDIJK, Vincent: "Even better than the real thing? The United States, the TVA, and the development of the Mekong"
73.7122 DIETZE, Gabriele ; ROTH, Julia, eds.Right-Wing Populism and Gender: European Perspectives and Beyond. Verlag, 2020.
DIETZE, Gabriele; ROTH, Julia: " Right-Wing Populism and Gender: A Preliminary Cartography of an Emergent Field of Research"
SAUER, Birgit: "Authoritarian right-wing populism as masculinist identity politics. The role of affects"
SPIERINGS, Niels: "Why gender and sexuality are both trivial and pivotal in populist radical right politics"
SCHMINCKE, Imke: "Sexual politics from the right. Attacks on gender, sexual diversity, and sex education"
KOVÁTS, Eszter: "Post-Socialist conditions and the Orbán government’s gender politics between 2010 and 2019 in Hungary"
MAYER, Stefanie; AJANOVIĆ, Edma; SAUER, Birgit: " Man, woman, family. Gender and the limited modernization of right-wing extremism in Austria"
MÖSER, Cornelia: "Sexual politics as a tool to ‘un-demonize’ right-wing discourses in France"
WIELOWIEJSKI, Patrick: "Identitarian gays and threatening queers, or: how the far right constructs new chains of equivalence"
DIETZE, Gabriele: "Why are women attracted to right-wing populism? Sexual exceptionalism, emancipation fatigue, and new maternalism"
KUHAR, Roman; PAJNIK, Mojca: "Populist mobilizations in re-traditionalized society: anti-gender campaigning in Slovenia"
SCHLEUSENER, Simon: "‘You’re fired!’ Retrotopian desire and right-wing class politics"
STRICK, Simon: "The alternative right, masculinities, and ordinary affect"
GRAFF, Agnieszka: "Angry women: Poland’s black protests as ‘populist feminism’"
ROTH, Julia: "Intersectionality strikes back: right-wing patterns of en-gendering and feminist contestations in the Americas"
73.7123 LUNA, Juan Pablo, eds.Diminished Parties: Democratic Representation in Contemporary Latin America. Cambridge UP, 2021.
LUNA, Juan Pablo, eds.: "Introduction"
PÉREZ BENTANCUR, Verónica; PIÑEIRO RODRÍGUEZ, Rafael; ROSENBLATT, Fernando: "The case of Uruguay’s Frente Amplio"
VOMMARO, Gabriel : "Horizontal coordination and vertical aggregation mechanisms of the PRO in Argentina and its subnational variations"
ANRIA Santiago: "Bolivia’s movement toward socialism: a political party based on and anchored in social movements"
COMBES, Hélène: "The complex interaction between vertical interest aggregation and horizontal coordination: the PRD and MORENA in Mexico"
ALFARO-REDONDO, Ronald; GÓMEZ-CAMPOS, Steffan: "PLN and PAC: two Costa Rican parties with constituencies evolving in opposite directions"
ABENTE BRUN, Diego: "The case of the traditional parties in Paraguay"
WILLS-OTERO, Laura; ORTEGA, Bibiana; SARMIENTO, Viviana: "The Colombian Liberal Party and Conservative Party: from political parties to diminished
CYR, Jennifer: "’Norma’ parties in extraordinary times: the case of Primero Justicia and Voluntad Popular in Venezuela"
CONAGHAN, Catherine M.: "Diminished by design: Ecuador’s Alianza PAIS"
PIÑEIRO RODRÍGUEZ, Rafael; ROSENBLATT, Fernando; TORO MAUREIRA, Sergio: "The Chilean PPD: a loose confederation of leaders"
VERGARA, Alberto; AUGUSTO, María Claudia: "Fujimorismo and the limits of democratic representation in Peru, 2006-2020"
SANCHEZ-SIBONY, Omar; LEMUS, Jonatán: "The Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza: Guatemala’s only true political party?"
LUNA, Juan Pablo, eds.: "Conclusions"
73.7124 WARD, Stuart ; RASCH, Astrid, eds.Embers of Empire in Brexit Britain. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.
WARD, Stuart; RASCH, Astrid, eds.: "Introduction"
THACKERAY, David; TOYE, Richard: "Debating empire 2.0"
KENNY, Mike; PEARCE, Nick: " Brexit and the Anglosphere"
BUETTNER, Elizabeth: "How unique is Britain’s empire complex?"
SCHWARZ, Bill: " Forgetfulness. England’s discontinuous histories"
O’TOOLE, Fintan: "Ireland and the English question"
ASCHERSON, Neal: "Scotland, Brexit and the persistence of empire"
BALLANTINE PERERA, Jennifer: "Gibraltar: Brexit’s silent partner"
SCHOFIELD, Camilla: "Brexit and the other special relationship"
KHAN, Yasmin, "Refugees, migrants, windrush and Brexit"
DUBOW, Saul: "Rhodes must fall: Brexit and circuits of knowledge and influence"
DONINGTON, Katie: "Relics of empire? Colonialism and the culture wars"
OTELE, Olivette: "The guerrilla arts in Brexit Bristol"
DRAYTON, Richard: " Biggar vs Little Britain"
BICKERS, Robert: "Visions of China"
KENNEDY, Dane: "Afterword"

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