John A Rothchild (ed), Research Handbook on Electronic Commerce Law

Published date01 May 2019
Date01 May 2019

This is the first volume in the Elgar Research Handbooks in Information Law series which aims to examine the legal dimensions arising out of what Elgar describes as “an increasingly digitised world”.

The editorial description of the common thread in the works in the series is “the impact of information law on the world in which we live” and this ambitious statement of intended coverage is reflected in the overall structure and composition of the work. There are twenty-three chapters contained in fifteen sections which are in turn grouped into three parts. Twenty-eight contributing authors provide 597 pages of substantive text and they cover a wide range of topics related generally to e-commerce law. Many of the authors are from the United States of America and that understandably shapes and informs the content and focus of a number of the chapters. The book is not intended to be consumed as a single work and the breadth of coverage is...

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