Legacy Duty Act 1799

Anno Regni GEORGII III. tricesimo nono. An Act for exempting certain specifick Legacies which shall be given to Bodies Corporate, or other Publick Bodies, from the Payment of Duty; and also the Legacy of Books and other Articles given by the Will of the late ReverendClayton Mordaunt Cracherode to the Trustees of the British Museum.—

(39 Geo. 3) C A P. LXXIII.

[12th July 1799]

'WHEREAS it is expedient that certain specifick Legacies given to Bodies Corporate, and other Publick Bodies and Societies, should be exempted from the Duties imposed on Legacies;' be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That, from and after the passing of this Act, no Legacy, consisting of Books, Prints, Pictures, Statues, Gems, Coins, Medals, Specimens of Natural History, or other specifick Articles, which shall be given or bequeathed to or in Trust for any Body Corporate, whether Aggregate or Sole, or to the Society ofSerjeants Inn , or any of the Inns of Court or Chancery, or any endowed School, in order to be kept and preserved by such Body Corporate, Society, or School, and not for the Purposes of Sale, shall be liable to any Duty imposed on Legacies by any Law now in Force.

S-II The Legacy of the Reverend Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode to the British Museum of Books, &c. shall be exempted from Duty.

II The Legacy of the Reverend Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode to the British Museum of Books, &c. shall be exempted from Duty.

II. 'And whereas the late ReverendClayton Mordaunt Cracherode , Master of Arts, and one of the Trustees of the British Museum, hath bequeathed to the said Trustees and their...

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