Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.4) Act 1912
Jurisdiction | UK Non-devolved |
Citation | 1912 c. cxxx |
Year | 1912 |
[2 & 3
5.] Local Government Board's [Ch. CXXX.]
Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act, 1912.
An Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the A.D. 1912
Local Government Board relating to Bacup Hudders-
fleld (two) and the Croydon and Wimbledon Joint
Small Pox Hospital District. [7th August 1912.]
HEKEAS the Local Government Board have made the
Provisional Orders set forth in the schedule hereto under
the provisions of* the Public Health Act 1875:
38 &
39 Vict.
c. 55.
And whereas it is requisite thai the said Orders should he
confirmed by Parliament: L
Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty
"by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and
Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled
and by the authority of the same as follows :
The Orders as' altered and set out in the schedule hereto Orders in
shall be and the same are hereby confirmed and all the provisions sch|du e
^ r confirmed.
thereof shall have full validity and force.
This Act may be cited as the Local Government Board's Short title,
Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1912,
[Price Is. 6d.] A 1
[Ch. CXXX.] Local Government Board's [2 & 3
Provisional Orders Confirmation {No. 4) Act, 1912.
Provisional Order for altering the Bacup Corporation W
Act 1898 and the Bacup Corporation Act 1906.
To the Mayor Aldermen and B urgesses of- the Boro ugh of
And to all others whom it may concern.
WHEREAS the Borough of Bacup (herein-after referred to as "the
Borough") is an Urban District of which the Mayor Aldermen and
Burgesses acting by the Council (herein-after referred to as "the
Corporation") are the Urban District Council and the local authority
within the meaning of the Public Health Act 1875;
62 Vict. And whereas the unrepealed provisions of the Bacup Corporation
fiEd*' 7 Water Act 1898 and the Bacup Corporation Act 1906 (each of which
c, dxxi. A<5fcs is herein-after referred to as the Act of the year in which it was
passed and which Acts are herein-after together referred to as " the
Local Acts") are in force in the Borough;
And whereas by Section 14 of the Act of 1898 the Corporation
were authorised subject as therein provided to make and maintain
according to the lines situations and levels shown on certain plans
and sections therein referred to as the deposited plans and sections
the works described in that Section including the following works that
is to say:
(1) Cowpe Reservoir—A. storage reservoir to be situate in the
Boroughs of Bacup and Rawtenstall and to be formed by
means of an embankment across the Cowpe Brook ;
(4) Springholes High Level Reservoir—A storage reservoir to be
situate in the Borough near to the Cowpe Brook;
(5) Catchwater No. 3—A catchwater drain or conduit to be situate
in the Boroughs of Bacup and Rawtenstall commencing in
the Springholes High Level Reservoir and terminating in a
stream one of the tributaries of the Cowpe Brook;
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