LVT/0019/08/22: 4 Green Farm, Sigingstone

Judgement Number LVT/0019/08/22
Date03 January 2023
CourtLeasehold Valuation Tribunals
Subject Matter Missing Landlord
Applied Rules Leasehold Reform Act 1967
Y Tribiwnlys Eiddo Preswyl
Residential Property Tribunal Service (Wales)
Leasehold Valuation Tribunal (Wales)
Premises: 4 Green Farm Siggingstone (“the premises”)
RPT ref: LVT/0019/08/22
Inspection: 22nd November 2022
Order: The value of the freehold reversion of the premises at the
relevant time is assessed at £14400.
Applicant: John Law
Respondent: Unknown- Missing Landlord
Tribunal: Judge Shepherd
Mark Taylor MRICS - Surveyor member
1. On 6th June 2022 District Judge Vernon sitting in the County Court at Cardiff
transferred for determination by the Tribunal the appropriate consideration to be paid
by the Applicant for the acquisition of the freehold reversion of the premises known
as 4 Green Farm Siggingstone (The premises). Unusually the Judge did not deal with
the vesting order before transfer. This will need to be dealt with once the case is
transferred back to the County Court.
2. The Applicant was represented by Julian Reed of Counsel and we are grateful for his
assistance. It was agreed that we would send out the decision in draft so that if the
Applicant’s valuation expert wanted to make any further submissions she could do so
before the decision is finalised. We would be grateful if these submissions could be
received within 28 days of receipt of this decision.

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