Magna Carta - Amercement of Freemen and others Act 1297

JurisdictionUK Non-devolved
Citation1297 c. 14
MAGNA CHARTA.The GREAT CHARTER,Made in the Ninth Year of King Henry the Third, and confirmed by King Edward the First in the Five and twentieth Year of His Reign . How Men of all Sorts shall be amerced, and by whom.

(25 Edw. 1) C A P. XIV.

'A Free-man shall not be amerced for a small fault, but after the manner of the fault; and for agreat fault after the greatness thereof, saving to him his contenement; (2)and a Merchant likewise, saving to him his Merchandise; (3)and any other's villain than ours shall be likewise amerced, saving his wainage, if he fall into our mercy. (4)And none of the said amerciaments shall be assessed, but by the oath of honest and lawful men of the vicinage. (5)Earls and Barons shall not be amerced but by their Peers, and after the manner of their offence. (6)No man of the Church shall be amerced after the quantity of his spiritual Benefice, but after his Lay-tenement, and after the quantity of his offence.'

Note : this act is listed in the Chronological Table of Statutes as theAmercement of Freemen and others Act, 1297

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